Redemption Press New Releases

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GPS-23: God’s Pathway for Survival – Psalm 23 Psalm 23, the exquisite representation of a shepherd’s love and care for his sheep, clearly symbolizes the Lord’s tender love and care for each one of us. Accordingly, GPS-23 is an enthusiastic examination of the relationship between the Great Shepherd and we, his sheep. Using many versions…

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Author Named Finalist at Next Generation Indie Book Awards

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Redemption Press is pleased to announce one of its published books, If I Only Had…Wrapping Yourself in God’s Truth During Storms of Insecurity, co-authored by Lisa Burkhardt Worley and Catherine Weiskopf, was named a finalist in the “Religious Non-fiction” category of the prestigious Next Generation Indie Book Awards. Worley and Weiskopf accepted the award at…

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Author Kudos

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“I not only appreciate the attention you [Inger Logelin] are giving to all this, but I also am impressed by it. It makes me more sure that I have placed this work into good hands, into the care of people who actually care about the quality of the product.” James Nollet, author of Calculating the…

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If you are breathing, you’ve got influence.

new releases author everyday influence

If you are breathing, you’ve got influence. Well-known speaker and author Bill Butterworth uses humorous, honest, and heart-warming stories of influencers in his own life to show how everyday words and actions can have a deep and lasting impact on others. He says, “Influence arrives in the simplest of ways.” *A typewriter and a dad’s…

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Where to Publish Your First Book

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“Wow! That is way more than I thought it would be! Why do I need all these services?” Unfortunately, that is the first reaction of many authors who inquire about publishing services. At Redemption Press, we want to educate authors about what kind of publisher we are. We like to refer to ourselves as a…

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What to Expect when Ordering Books through Redemption Press


I work with authors every day helping them process orders for their books and track down shipments, among many other duties for Redemption Press, and one of the most common questions I receive from authors is “How long until I receive my order?” Printing/shipping time is 7-10 business days and another 3-5 business days for shipping.  Let’s…

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