Redemption Press Blog

Where to Publish Your First Book

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“Wow! That is way more than I thought it would be! Why do I need all these services?”

Unfortunately, that is the first reaction of many authors who inquire about publishing services.

At Redemption Press, we want to educate authors about what kind of publisher we are. We like to refer to ourselves as a hybrid publisher, offering the benefits of self-publishing, with the quality of a traditional publisher. We believe that even though you are self-published, your book should not look self-published.

We know that price is important, therefore, our authors receive a plan that fits their budget. We do not offer packages or bundles with huge discounts. Typically, those big bundles with all those services that sound so good, either are services that are included standard in our proposals or are services that give the impression of great value, when in fact, they have very little value to the author.

Instead, we assess each manuscript individually, and offer only the services necessary to produce a quality product.

Each one of our authors is important to us. We take the time to explain the publishing process, answering their questions, and offering the services they need at the best price possible.

Whenever a new project starts, the author is assigned a project manager who walks through the publishing process with them.  The project manager works as a go between, answering their questions and making sure that as each step of the project is finished, it is moved forward to the next service needed.When we put our name on the back of your book, it is because that book is something we are proud of.

If a manuscript comes in with grammatical errors, misspelled words or incorrect grammar, those issues will need correction before we can print that book. If you have a cover design that is outdated or will not draw your reader’s attention, our graphic designer will guide you to a professional design that will spark attention and relate to your target audience.

Redemption Press book cover design

We want our authors to be happy with the process, as well as the end product. We know when we do our job well becuase our authors will come back to us when they are ready to publish their next book.

Ready to get started in writing and publishing your first book? Download this free ebook, Six Secrets of Successful Christian Authors.”

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Meet the Publisher

I've been around Christian publishing since 1987 when I helped our ministry self-publish an important resource for Vietnam veterans and their families. That book went on to be picked up by a royalty publisher and has since sold over 250,000 copies with a million in print.

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