The Divorce Journey


The Divorce Journey: A Christian’s Travel from Heartache through Healing to Happiness is a “must read” for the Christian facing either divorce or reconciliation. The author openly reveals her…

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The Divorce Journey: A Christian’s Travel from Heartache through Healing to Happiness is a “must read” for the Christian facing either divorce or reconciliation. The author openly reveals her journey in which she acknowledges the numerous mistakes she made that caused detours on the healing journey. After much research, theAuthor discovered that many ChristianAuthors give some advice or scriptures for troubled marriages, however, very few walk readers through the entire journey.

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Weight 0.816 lbs
Dimensions 0.61 × 6 × 9 in
Book Format

2 reviews for The Divorce Journey

  1. Archive Review

    Teri Graham, St Paul
    October 28, 2014 – 11:01am 5

    Divorce and separation can be a lonely walk. Fortunately for us, author, Sandy Wallace, walks by our side sharing lots of wisdom and encouragement. With deep insight, Sandy explains how God can use the pain and loss of divorce – to reconstruct a whole new you! Sandy’s insights and instruction on this difficult journey can actually bring “dignity to divorce”. Her story and experience helps one to embrace the “lost dream” and to view it as a time of adventure. By developing a zealous spirit of hope, amidst much discouragement, Sandy explains how to re-discover oneself, and to prosper with integrity and maturity. She walks through the heartache with us, and explains the healing process. With God’s restorative love, Sandy learned to forgive her ex-husband – and to love him, herself, and others – God’s way, with mercy, compassion, and forgiveness. This is an important companion piece for discovering God’s best for you even in the worst possible situation.

  2. Archive Review

    October 28, 2014 – 11:02am 5

    Sandy and Skye have been leading their Divorce Support Groups for years. They are gifted and talented in this arena in helping people heal and learn to forgive themselves and others. Sandy’s book is a “must-have” for anyone going through the devastation of divorce or anyone who wants to support their friends going through divorce. Sandy’s words of wisdom are heavenly inspired and she knows her topic better than anyone I’ve ever met. Stephanie is gifted with a marvelous voice. She puts on shows/concerts for those who want to be blessed with her humor and testimony. Here is her website:

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