The Day of Salvation


The Bible makes it abundantly clear that each individual is responsible for his own choices. However, what about the issue of personal salvation? Suddenly there is a major split between two camps….

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The Bible makes it abundantly clear that each individual is responsible for his own choices. However, what about the issue of personal salvation? Suddenly there is a major split between two camps. One says God is sovereign, to the exclusion of the free will of man. The other says there is the free will of man to the exclusion of God’s sovereignty. And so the debate has raged for well over 1,000 years. They can’t both be right, but each seems to have a convincing argument. Many people sit between both positions holding to some of each side. But what is the Bible’s position? The Bible demonstrates that both positions are correct in what they endorse -but wrong in what they deny. Find out how the Scriptures bring God’s sovereignty and man’s free will into congruence with no contradictions. A must read for those caught between the two positions! What about this accusation: “Someone died and is in hell because you didn’t give them the gospel on their deathbed”? The Bible makes it clear that the only ones who can go to hell are those who consciously reject God when He calls them to accept Him. And every person past their day of accountability is guaranteed that opportunity by God!

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Weight 1.016 lbs
Dimensions 0.85 × 6 × 9 in
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