Koen’s Dream

Koen’s Dream


Koen experiences a fantastic dream that shows him just how much he is loved and valued in Jesus’s eyes. Young readers will enjoy the vibrant illustrations as they explore God’s creation with this little boy and discover all the treasures that were created just for him and for you too. 


You Are Loved. 

Sometimes the world feels big and scary to Koen, until he experiences the voice of truth in an amazing dream. When Jesus holds his hand, Koen is safe and secure. He is free to dream, imagine, play, and explore. 

Koen begins to notice the wild creatures made just for him to enjoy. Slippery, slimy frogs and buried fossils in the ground. But they don’t compare to how Jesus loves Koen. 

God says, “Out of all my creation, there is no greater love than the way I feel for you as I look down from above! You and every person I’ve placed on this earth must fill your hearts with me to truly know your worth.” 

Even more than loving His creation, Jesus loves and cares for you. You are special. You are valued. Join Koen as he explores, dreams, and learns about how much Jesus loves him. 

Additional information

Weight 0.246 lbs
Dimensions 8.5 × 0.06750 × 11 in
Book Format



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I've been around Christian publishing since 1987 when I helped our ministry self-publish an important resource for Vietnam veterans and their families. That book went on to be picked up by a royalty publisher and has since sold over 250,000 copies with a million in print.

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