What?! Give My eBook Away on Amazon for FREE?


In another recent interview with our Amazon Marketing expert, we discover the reason why giving your eBook away for free can benefit the sales of your book. What happens when my eBook is free? As you probably know, we as humans LOVE free stuff! People are more likely to download your eBook when it is…

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The 2 Best Ways to Sell More Books

be shepherds

Today I’m writing from the La Mirada campus of Biola University where I’m teaching at the Southern California Christian Writers Conference. I wanted to bring you some words of wisdom today from our keynote speaker, who had a great example of someone who’s been through difficult times in her life and has stewarded that pain…

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How to Turn Your Blog Into a Book: Part Two

cut that out

 We are finishing up this week with the second post about turning your blog into a book. I’ll be sharing tips that will give your writing impact. I wish I had known these tips when I wrote my first book, but I did learn many of them in the coaching process. These are the…

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How to Turn Your Blog Into a Book

turn my blog into a book

Welcome to the first post in a two-part series on the steps you need to take and consider when you want to take a blog and turn it into a book. In this first session we’re going to just talk about some of the basics that you need to think about if you’re considering repurposing…

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