Pre-Publication Gifts – Charlie and the Magic Puppy: The Apple Tree

Pre-Publication Gifts – Charlie and the Magic Puppy: The Apple Tree

(4 customer reviews)


Welcome to Brian Douglas’s Project Jumpstart, where friends, family, peers, and followers are able to support Brian to underwrite his publishing journey!

The book underway is currently titled Charlie and the Magic Puppy: The Apple Tree (which may change in the editing and publication process) and is written for dads and grandpas to read to their young families. The story shows that self-sacrifice is an adventure that brings surprising rewards!

Brian’s experiences in telling his own children bedtime stories has shown a significant need for books that engage fathers and give them tools that will help them communicate their own faith and important values to their children, so as the publisher, we are excited to co-labor with him to meet the demand.

To encourage Brian as he continues taking bold steps of faith in this publishing journey, click on the link below to give a gift in any amount of $35 or greater.

Thank you for supporting this project!



Welcome to Brian Douglas’s Project Jumpstart, where friends, family, peers, and followers are able to support Brian to underwrite his publishing journey!

The book underway is currently titled Charlie and the Magic Puppy: The Apple Tree (which may change in the editing and publication process) and is written for dads and grandpas to read to their young families. The story shows that self-sacrifice is an adventure that brings surprising rewards!

Brian’s experiences in telling his own children bedtime stories has shown a significant need for books that engage fathers and give them tools that will help them communicate their own faith and important values to their children, so as the publisher, we are excited to co-labor with him to meet the demand.

To encourage Brian as he continues taking bold steps of faith in this publishing journey, click on the link below to give a gift in any amount of $35 or greater.

Thank you for supporting this project!


Additional information


Basic Tier – Pre-Publication Gift, Tier 1 – First Run copy of The Apple Tree, Tier 2 – Framed original poem Watch With Me The Sunset, Tier 3 – Framed original poem The Stained Glass Window, Tier 4 – Abide In Me shadowbox 3D metal artwork

4 reviews for Pre-Publication Gifts – Charlie and the Magic Puppy: The Apple Tree

  1. Peter Douglas

    I grew up with this story. The Magic Puppy stories taught me that anyone could create. As a kid it amazes me that they were pulled out of thin air, with lessons I knew and places I didn’t. They taught me that the world is full of stories and that stories are how we learn and grow.

    The apple tree is just a taste of what’s to come. It’s simple and pure and wonderful and true. Rereading these stories in my mid-thirties brought tears and smiles. They resonate in a way few stories do. You won’t regret reading them.

  2. Jeff Rogers

    Some of the greatest inspiration arises out of trying to explain difficult ideas to our own children. Often, big things come out of just trying to do justice to their basic questions. One such author and artist is Brian Douglas, who has for years, even long after his own children have grown up and moved away, always sought to find new and interesting ways to help others understand the deeper things of life. I can think of no better example of this divine effort than the tale of Magic Puppy (no pun intended). Read it, you’ll see. Share it, and other’s will tell you they now see.

  3. Chris Beilfuss

    Charlie and the Magic Puppy: The Apple Tree is a fun escape full of excitement, heart, and truth. The main character goes on an adventure where he demonstrates the qualities of being a true friend by showing the reader what it means to demonstrate love sacrificially. Charlie learns that by giving up what he values most, he can attain something of even greater value beyond what he could ever expect or wish. The Apple Tree is a combination of whimsy similar to the movie, “The Neverending Story” with flights through the air with only animal hair to hang on to, and the allusion and depth of a wise, supernatural, mentor creature not unlike Aslan in The Chronicles of Narnia series. Although this story lacks a clear antagonist, there is sufficient internal conflict in the exposition when Charlie is unsure if he will be able to join the Magic Puppy on an adventure and then again in the events leading up to the climax of the story. I am excited to see more as the author leaves plenty of open-ended narrative for Charlie to have more adventures with the Magic Puppy.

  4. Jeannie Bennett

    I was blessed to receive a copy of Charlie & the Magic Puppy: The Apple Tree a few years after Brian first wrote it, as I am his favorite sibling. Just kidding. I was truly amazed that my little brother wrote so well. It is a story that would keep any child waiting for the next evening to hear more of the story. My own children were past the age of wanting bedtime stories but I cherished my very own copy. Fast forward several decades and I was blessed to be asked, by Brian, to help edit this story to get it ready for publication, as well as a couple more sequels. I look forward to having published copies, signed by the author, of course.

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I've been around Christian publishing since 1987 when I helped our ministry self-publish an important resource for Vietnam veterans and their families. That book went on to be picked up by a royalty publisher and has since sold over 250,000 copies with a million in print.

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