How Deep is Your Love?: A Mom’s Shattered Dreams are Transformed into Showers of Blessings


A perfectly normal pregnancy turns into an emergency C-section and nightmarish news that little Paige probably wouldn’t survive. Rather than believe the doctors, new mom Sharon Richardson chooses to let God have the final say about her daughter. How Deep Is Your Love is a healing journey of a mother and daughter from extreme trauma into abundant faith.


A perfectly normal pregnancy turns into an emergency C-section and nightmarish news that little Paige probably wouldn’t survive. Rather than believe the doctors, new mom Sharon Richardson chooses to let God have the final say about her daughter.

Against all odds and expectations, Paige does survive—and comes home to live with her parents. But while there is breath in Paige’s little body, there is no spark of life. This void sends a determined mother on the path to bring her daughter into fullness of life, to trust God to heal the traumas, and to love from the deepest parts of her heart.

And when trauma sets in again and every medical challenge thwarts any reason for happiness or hope, Sharon leans into God to carry her as Paige goes from surgery to surgery. What initially seemed like shattered dreams, having a child both physically and mentally challenged, God transforms into showers of blessings, taking Sharon from a baby Christian to one who believes in creative miracles. Now full of life, Paige exercises her own faith in God to do the impossible.

Life with Paige is more than an adventure—it’s a healing journey infused with love, faith, and miracles. How Deep Is Your Love encourages all of us to believe that we can overcome extreme adversity from a place of abundant joy and peace.

Additional information

Weight 0.703 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 9 in
Book Format


2 reviews for How Deep is Your Love?: A Mom’s Shattered Dreams are Transformed into Showers of Blessings

  1. Christine Hickson

    Wholly absorbing!!!
    Couldn’t stop reading about what God was up to and all the while I am loving, laughing and learning about His ways throughout the book, leaving me wanting “More” ????

  2. Jacquelyn May

    Sharon’s story is inspirational and full of God’s goodness poured out. I didn’t want to put the book down once I started. This is so beautifully written and I heard Sharon’s voice throughout each page. It amazes me that there were so many years lived where she could have lost all hope, yet she and her family have overcome and Paige is victorious. Her story has taught me to have more courage and how to take every single, good thing that we are given in life as a gift from God. Sharon stewarded and continues to steward Paige’s life with love and grace every day. I was blown away how she continued to fight the good fight of faith while adventuring and living life to the fullest every chance she got. Paige is a fighter! She is a beautiful daughter of not only Sharon, but of the most High God, and is carrying blessings across the world in missions. I really had no words once I finished the last page of the book besides a heart full of joy knowing that this story will be a shower of blessings to so many others no matter what they are going through in life. It is all about LOVE. Thank you, Sharon. You are amazing and I love the story of your life that you so peacefully and deeply shared.

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