Bouquets from My Beloved

Bouquets from My Beloved


Each of us has a hole inside our hearts, something our Creator put within us before we were even conceived. A place that is waiting to be filled, perfectly completing us. We can spend our entire…

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Each of us has a hole inside our hearts, something our Creator put within us before we were even conceived. A place that is waiting to be filled, perfectly completing us. We can spend our entire lives searching, never finding peace. Or, we can respond to His invitation to turn to Jesus.

Do you believe that your Creator knew from the beginning where you would find yourself right at this moment? Do you have faith that He has been anxiously waiting for you to understand His passionate love for you?Author Judy Lokits honestly addresses these quesitons in Bouquets from My Beloved a study book for divorcees, widows, and all single women. Using humor and candid accounts of personal frailties, Judy brings to life the divine romance to which all are called but few partake. Singleness is meant to be a blessing, a source of peace, fulfillment, and fruitfulness beyond your wildest dreams; but you have to first accept it. Bouquets from My Beloved is a journey into a deeper and more intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ as the Bridegroom. Along the way He offers reminders of His love beautiful
bouquets for His beloved.

Downloads: bouquets_from_my_beloved_sample_chapter.pdf

Additional information

Weight 0.297 lbs
Dimensions 0.38 × 5 × 7 in
Book Format


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