Every Group: A United Initiative to Follow Jesus and Be on Mission Together in Our Daily Lives


Following Jesus and navigating an authentic life of faith includes individual daily decisions and inspiring relationships. Do you have a group of people who bring out the best in you? What does it look like to experience the abundant life Jesus promised with close friends? How hungry are you to find deep satisfaction by fulfilling God’s purpose for your life? From refreshing the single soul to empowering families and churches, the Every Group Bible Study speaks to the heart with this 10-week journey of radical discovery. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, small groups and churches can cultivate new transformative habits, create a healthy culture, and change their communities through life-giving relationships.


Have you noticed the gap between the status quo and healthy biblical Christianity? Will you let God break your heart for what breaks His heart? What if, instead of being so isolated, we came together as united groups to glorify Jesus and spread His love?


Most Bible studies about following Jesus, especially in the Western culture, focus on the individual, but Every Group challenges us to unite as family. Jesus’ longest prayer in the Bible, in John 17, is a fervent cry for us to glorify God through our oneness. Jesus desires that His followers collaborate and transform our families and communities through the power of the Holy Spirit.


This 10-week transformative journey includes Scripture, repentance, restoration, and fresh vision. Because God loves you so deeply, He will develop your faith and teach you how to be a doer of His Word in a culture that has wandered from Him. God has called us out of being defeated, sleepy, and intimidated, to shine His light in creative and colossal ways. Topics include:


  • Learning how to abide with Jesus together throughout the week
  • Listening to God and receiving His grace
  • Loving your neighbors with a surprising and sacrificial love
  • Living intentionally to understand the times and redeem your calling


Every Group is for small groups who want to break out of complacency and are tired of feeling stuck. Do you sense that God wants to do a fresh work and bring awakening to our souls? This Bible study is designed for pastors and ministry leaders who want to bring a challenging series to their church.

Additional information

Weight 0.294 lbs
Dimensions 8.5 × 0.09239 × 11 in
Book Format


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