As Time Winds Down
The God who created the earth for habitation has also scheduled it’s termination. On three separate occasions the Lord Jesus Christ disclosed to trusted servants the content of important segments of…
The God who created the earth for habitation has also scheduled it’s termination. On three separate occasions the Lord Jesus Christ disclosed to trusted servants the content of important segments of the world’s concluding eras of time. The dates and lengths of the periods covered in these revelations vary, but all are presented chronologically, and contain enough overlap to enable us to distinguish specific events and personalities common to more than one account. Consequently it is possible to correlate all three revelations, and view a single continuous panorama of God’s past, present and future agenda for mankind. This study focuses on that portion of God’s itinerary that began with the incarnation of Christ, will peak when He returns for His Church, and will terminate when “He puts all His enemies under His feet.” To follow the path of time from Christ’s incarnation to His final victory necessitates transecting four distinct eras of world history, chronologically identified in this study as “the last days,” “the Day of the Lord,” “the Millennial Kingdom,” and “the final conflict.” These four periods constitute the major divisions of the study. The course of time through each of these periods is charted in an outline format, and it’s component events and personalities thoroughly inspected. The objective is to relate all that will transpire to the eternal purposes of God.
Bud Adamson’s love for the Word of God began in 1944 when he received Christ while serving in the Army Air Corps. His appetite for God’s Word was whetted during college years through contacts with the Navigators, with whom he later co-labored for six years, four of them in Hong Kong. Careers in agriculture education and forest ecology followed. This study is a product of personal Bible investigation undertaken since his retirement in 1989.
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Additional information
Weight | 0.735 lbs |
Dimensions | 0.38 × 8.25 × 11 in |
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I've been around Christian publishing since 1987 when I helped our ministry self-publish an important resource for Vietnam veterans and their families. That book went on to be picked up by a royalty publisher and has since sold over 250,000 copies with a million in print.
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