New Marketing Ideas to Promote Your Book

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If you’re a Christian author, and you’ve experienced the book publishing process, then you’ve likely done some book promotions in the past and experienced various results. I’ll even venture to say you’ve tried some and not had great success. So why not have a paradigm shift on the subject, try some new things, and maybe even get…

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Saving the Day

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Thanks, Athena Dean Holtz, for saving the day when I was having trouble getting my books from the distributor to bookstores. Your personal intervention made the difference! It’s obvious that you are highly respected in the world of Christian publishing. You are indeed a treasure in this publishing world we live in as authors. With…

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Gospel Music: The Sound of Hope

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Gospel Music: The Sound of Hope A chronological overview of a unique form of musical expression, Gospel Music: The Sound of Hope highlights influential individuals and pivotal events that created, developed, and sustained the gospel music genre. Thoughtfully constructed and expressed, the book gives a general outline of the black experience and examines the importance…

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Why You Should Relaunch Your Book

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If you’re an author with a book you want to get back into print, you may be ignoring a key element. Many authors only consider doing the basics, but there’s so much more that can be done to enhance your book. Why You Should Relaunch Your Book • Your publisher went out of business (CrossBooks…

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Deception and Flash: Not All Self-Publishing Packages and Quotes Are Created Equal

Discover the truth behind those “flashy” and “good looking” quotes that claim a “discount” or “super deal” — it’s best to be wary when researching Christian self-publishing packages. This is the first in a mini-series for Christian authors on doing due diligence before choosing your best publishing option. Let’s look at an example of how one…

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