Redemption Press Celebrates Two Years Today!


Two years ago today, Redemption Press officially launched. God’s call to establish a new model that truly empowers the author to accomplish all God has intended became reality and over a quarter of a century of experience was poured into every aspect of this mission-minded business. Over this last two years we’ve helped 413 authors…

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No Easy Button – How to ​Really Promote Your Book

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The truth is, you won’t find an easy button to promote your book successfully. Many self publishing companies, even Christian self publishers, promote flashy deals and make empty promises to promote your book and reach tens of thousands amount of bookstores and millions of readers. The facts, however, prove that publishing a book and promoting…

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Straight Talk: Best Practices in Christian Book Publishing & Promotion

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Straight Talk is an interactive, energetic webinar that’s open to new writers and authors as well as existing Redemption Press authors. Every 3rd Thursday of the month, Redemption Press Publisher Athena Dean Holtz answer questions and provides valuable takeaways about Christian book publishing and promotion. Get straight answers to your questions about book publishing, promotion, marketing,…

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Thoughts on ICRS Unite 2016

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I’ve been thinking a lot about the Unite 2016. The Christian Booksellers Association big event for bookstore buyers and publishers of books, music, and products for the Christian market. I remember 20 years ago when I first started attending the event as a publisher, there were two football fields of products, and it took literally…

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Greatest Redemption Story Contest Winner

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This story was selected as the winner of Redemption Press’ first Greatest Redemption Story contest.   The Camel Hump Road by Stephanie Durand We are driving along one of those long tedious roads where the reflection in the rear view mirror mimics the humps on a camel’s back. Up and down over hills and valleys…

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Blessed to be a Blessing

Success is not always measured in units sold. That’s especially true if you are a Christian writer. When I published my new book, The Shepherd’s Watch, with Redemption Press, my goal was simple. I wanted to share the stories about people who have blessed my life. Writing is a gift to be shared.“There’s nothing as…

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