New Year Word and Creed – 2018 A Year of Favor


As I pondered my word for the new year, I spent some time reflecting on the last twelve months. I’ve let go of many things during 2017. Leadership in women’s ministry at The Summit, and my all-time favorite ministry, Always Faithful Radio. Two areas of service that brought me great joy, yet I knew God…

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The Latest on Xulon Press – Part Two

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Last year at ICRS – Unite 2016 I posted a blog about my thoughts after walking the expo floor at the annual Christian booksellers convention. As you can see, I was highly critical of Xulon for the huge booth and tens of thousands they charged authors to promote their books there. I was initially impressed…

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The Latest on Xulon Press – Part One

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In February of 2016, Mark Levine, author of “The Fine Print of Self Publishing” made the statement that, “You guys (Redemption Press) are the only one I see out there who’s doing it right.” He gave me permission to quote him and I was excited to see how we ranked in the upcoming edition of…

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Family Christian Stores Closing All Stores

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All 240 Family Christian Stores Are Closing More than 3,000 employees in 36 states will be laid off in the liquidation of one of the world’s largest Christian retailers. Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra for Christianity Today More than two years ago, suppliers forgave Family Christian Stores $127 million in debt so that it could remain open.…

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