Content Coaching Through the Eyes of the Project Manager

content coaching redemption press

As a Project Manager at Redemption Press, I have seen many authors through the process of their books, with and without Content Coaching. In my eyes, it really is the defining process that takes their books to the next level. If you’re unfamiliar with the term, “Content Coaching,” it is the process by which an…

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What to Expect When Planning to Relaunch Your Book

text: questions about republishing your book? We can help!

There are many opportunities for writers to publish a book the “easy way,” but this often results in an ineffective, low-quality product and eventually, such books need to be republished or relaunched. Unfortunately, many writers take shortcuts and don’t understand the inescapable importance of professional editing and guidance. If you find yourself tempted to do…

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Together We Build Up The Kingdom of God

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Everyone has a story inside. But the burning question for storytellers is “how can we best tell our story so it will be heard?” Redemption Press offers a full menu of options for those who dream to see their ideas for publishing a book become a reality. Athena Dean Holtz is the founder and president…

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Rescued by My Redemption Press Writing Coach!


I sat nervously at the keyboard, waiting to hit “send” as I practiced some breathing exercises designed to increase my sense of calm. Then, with a steady exhalation of breath and a click of the left mouse button, my manuscript was off for coaching and editing review. I was nervous about how the publisher would…

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Five Things to Ask Before Choosing a Christian Publisher

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You’re ready to publish a story or message God has given you. What next? Unless you are planning to tackle the steep learning curve of learning how to self-publish, you will need a publisher. But which one? And how to find a Christian publishing company you can trust? Everyone wants a publisher with integrity who…

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Author Kudos for the Redemption Press Editorial Process

becky graham

[dropcap]A[/dropcap]fter spending six months hovered over my computer writing my manuscript, I was finally ready to pursue a publisher. When I met with three literary agents at the Write to Publish conference, I was told my memoir would not even be considered by a traditional publisher since my name wasn’t well known and I didn’t…

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