Redemption Press Blog

Redemption Press Editing Offers a Competitive Edge to Authors

Dori and her team of thirty highly skilled editors, coaches, and copywriters, including Senior Editors Rachel Overton and Inger Logelin, provide superior service by working directly with each author to guide their manuscript through the editing process. Each editor has served many years in the publishing industry and has passed an editing test designed to showcase their skills and knowledge of the industry-standard bibles, Chicago Manual of Style and The Christian Writers Manual of Style.

Afraid of the Cost? He Will Provide! by BJ Garrett

If you are afraid of the cost, I want to be the first to encourage you to just try and trust Jesus. If you have a story that will glorify Him, He will provide for it. I won't lie, it was hard. It was hard to ask others to partner with me, and to support me financially. It was hard to be completely dependent on the Lord to provide every cent to fund this book. No one enjoys asking for help, myself included. However, I am eternally grateful that this was how the Lord chose to grow my trust in Him and confirm that, indeed, He did call me to write my story. If He ordains it, He will fund it.

Live Bold Wins Prestigious Selah Award

Filled with cautious optimism, I tuned into the live feed of the prestigious Selah Awards. If you’re not familiar with the name, it’s an annual contest of books and articles judged by industry professionals and winners are announced at the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference. The Selah Award recognizes books within Christian publishing that are considered excellent within their genre.

Rescued by My Redemption Press Writing Coach!

I sat nervously at the keyboard, waiting to hit “send” as I practiced some breathing exercises designed to increase my sense of calm. Then, with a steady exhalation of breath and a click of the left mouse button, my manuscript was off for coaching and editing review. I was nervous about how the publisher would…

Author Kudos for the Redemption Press Editorial Process

[dropcap]A[/dropcap]fter spending six months hovered over my computer writing my manuscript, I was finally ready to pursue a publisher. When I met with three literary agents at the Write to Publish conference, I was told my memoir would not even be considered by a traditional publisher since my name wasn’t well known and I didn’t…

A Trilogy of Success

Recently, a good friend made an offer that I had to accept. He is a persuasive fellow–a psychologist, in fact. He also is the author of several books in his field, and knows the publishing business. And what was his offer? He and his wife would be happy to open their beautiful home to people…

Meet the Publisher

I've been around Christian publishing since 1987 when I helped our ministry self-publish an important resource for Vietnam veterans and their families. That book went on to be picked up by a royalty publisher and has since sold over 250,000 copies with a million in print.

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Unplanned Movie Healing Devotional


Filled with moments for reflection and personal stories from those who have experienced their own journeys of trauma and redemption, this interactive devotional invites readers to begin healing from the pain of post-abortion trauma to freedom and wholeness.

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