Redemption Press Blog

Redemption Press Editing Offers a Competitive Edge to Authors

When choosing a small press to publish your nonfiction book or novel that you’ve worked so hard to complete, you want a first-rate editorial team that protects your writer’s voice and preserves your message, while using their top-notch skills and talents to enhance your words.

At Redemption Press, editing is the cornerstone of our publishing services because we strive daily to provide our authors the highest-quality editing for their manuscripts.

To ensure quality edits, a year and a half ago Redemption Press brought on multiple-award-winning writer Dori Harrell as its managing editor. Dori has been editing for more than ten years, and she edits for publishers—including Kregel Publishing and dori author pic 300dpiGemma Halliday publishing—best-selling authors, and indie authors, and she formerly served as a senior editor with Elite Editing. She has edited hundreds of novels, novellas, and nonfiction, and several books have gone on to win or final in top industry awards.

Dori and her team of thirty highly skilled editors, coaches, and copywriters, including Senior Editors Rachel Overton and Inger Logelin, provide superior service by working directly with each author to guide their manuscript through the editing process. Each editor has served many years in the publishing industry and has passed an editing test designed to showcase their skills and knowledge of the industry-standard bibles, Chicago Manual of Style and The Christian Writers Manual of Style.

2019 11 06 11 26 10This author-centric model alone offers Redemption Press authors a definitive competitive edge because of the one-on-one attention each manuscript receives. Several editors are also authors, so they know exactly how an author feels when their baby is in an editor’s hands.

Once a coached or edited manuscript reaches the end of an editing phase, the managing editor or senior editor reviews the file to ensure the editing meets Redemption Press’s quality standards—which are often higher than even traditional publishers. Edited files receive final tweaks and are only delivered to an author when the managing editor signs off on them, guaranteeing first-rate, personal service to each author.

To further enhance the editing experience, Redemption authors who receive content coaching engage directly with an expert coach on the content to ensure the manuscript is fully developed and refined before moving on to a line edit or copyedit. And if questions arise during any edit, the managing editor connects the editor to the author to efficiently address concerns. 

Redemption Press focuses on the author, providing exceptional quality that is unique for a subsidy (author-funded) publisher. As is common with some hybrid and subsidy publishers, there’s no managing editor, and the authors and editors don’t typically interact. For example, in years past, Dori and Rachel edited for such publishers, and they were never permitted to have contact with an author, even when facing major concerns about a manuscript. (They by far prefer Redemption’s author-editor interactive model!)

If you’re looking for the highest-quality editing and/or coaching that gives you and your manuscript that personal, competitive edge, let Redemption Press and their team of skilled, engaged, and helpful editors work with you to showcase your message, polish your words, and deliver an excellent reading experience to your readers.

Wherever you are in your Christian author journey, we’re here to help you. If you’re ready for a no-obligation, free consultation with our publisher,  please reach out to us. We love helping authors!

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  1. Cathleen Quiroga on November 9, 2019 at 9:08 am

    I am a Colson Fellow writing a devotional, not fiction. Can I still get help?

    • Office Manager on November 9, 2019 at 9:33 am

      Hi Cathleen, absolutely! We work on content coaching with authors even if they have not signed on to publish with us! Feel free to email our publisher at athena @ 🙂

Meet the Publisher

I've been around Christian publishing since 1987 when I helped our ministry self-publish an important resource for Vietnam veterans and their families. That book went on to be picked up by a royalty publisher and has since sold over 250,000 copies with a million in print.

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