Redemption Press Blog

Why You Should Relaunch Your Book

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relauch before and after covers

If you’re an author with a book you want to get back into print, you may be ignoring a key element. Many authors only consider doing the basics, but there’s so much more that can be done to enhance your book.

Why You Should Relaunch Your Book
• Your publisher went out of business (CrossBooks or WinePress).
• Your experience with your current publisher produced an inferior product.
• You have tried the DIY (do-it-yourself) route and ended up with a book that has limited distribution and maybe even looks a little (or a lot!) self-published.

Actually, I relaunched my first book, Consumed by Success: Reaching the Top and Finding God Wasn’t There. The first version of the book looked like a self-published book, and I still feel embarrassed when I realize that copies are probably still out there on Amazon. The original version was only 96 pages, and I told the story chronologically and with no real editing help. At that point, I didn’t realize the importance of a professional editor.

I ended up working with a good friend, Inger Logelin, who was part of my Consumed story, and she coached me through a rewrite, adding dialogue, showing not telling, adding some of the responses from the many radio shows I’d already done on the topic.

The republished version, revised and expanded, was a much better product, and I was able to touch so many more lives than with the initial amateurish product.

Now granted, some projects don’t have as much ministry potential as others, but perhaps your book does.

Are you ready to step up to the next professional level? If so, I’d like to suggest a few good reasons for relaunching your book. Why?

1) To discover new readers and markets for your message
2) To garner reviews and other credibility builders
3) To develop strategic partnerships with those who are speaking to the same audience
4) To highlight new features or added content
5) To celebrate a more professional product that can reach a larger audience.

Turn your relaunch into an opportunity to share on the publishing process and how you’ve learned from your mistakes or lack of professional advice. Develop yourself into an expert on your topic. Creatively reach those who need to hear your message.

Do it well, and do it right because God deserves your best.

Read More About Re-publishing Your Book Here

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Meet the Publisher

I've been around Christian publishing since 1987 when I helped our ministry self-publish an important resource for Vietnam veterans and their families. That book went on to be picked up by a royalty publisher and has since sold over 250,000 copies with a million in print.

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