Redemption Press Blog

What it Would Really Take to Relaunch Your Book by Christmas

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Read More About Re-publishing Your Book Here

Around this time of year, you may often see enticing promotions from publishing companies that promise to publish your book by Christmas. Be careful of big promotions like these, and make sure you’re actually getting a professional edit and a quality cover.

Truthfully, being in print by Christmas could be an unrealistic goal, but it really depends on the condition of your book.

If you’re an author who still needs basic copy editing (not including coaching, content development, or restructuring), the process to have your book republished could take 3-4 months because of the need to cover some of the basics that were missed the first time around.

For authors who have already published their book by a professional publishing company, and have a great cover and edited content, relaunching by Christmas could be possible.

If you want to expand distribution of your book, increase brand awareness, and take your current book to the next level of distribution and exposure, Redemption Press can help by providing publishing and promotion services.

If your goal is to relaunch your book by Christmas, consider the following items:

  • Are you able to gather the original file for cover and text from your current publisher?
  • How much will the other publisher charge you for the native files (Indesign file as opposed to a PDF file)?
  • How quickly can you get your hands on the native files?
  • Has your book already been edited? If this process was skipped in the initial publishing process, it’s likely your book will not be ready by Christmas.
  • How much honest feedback did you receive on your manuscript and cover before it was ready for print?
  • Do you want to relaunch with a new cover in order to increase your opportunity to make an impact? This may lengthen the process.
  • Are there any updates or expanded text that you can add to the book to add value? This can help you relaunch with excellence touting a new edition on the front or back cover.
  • The reach of your current distribution channel(s).
  • The level of support your current publisher gives you. (Would they review your manuscript for free, help you develop a strategy that’s specific to your needs, or recommend marketing ideas or strategies with no obligation to buy the service from them?)
  • Your author price per copy, (is it the printing price or an inflated cost and discount based on the number of copies you buy?)
  • Is your suggested retail price set too high or too low?
  • What are the royalties on sales made through different channels (Amazon, bookstore, publisher’s online store)? Are the marketing opportunities offered by your current publisher proven and effective?
  • Is your current publisher always trying to sell you something rather than provide true value for the money you’ve already spent?

Redemption Press wants to help authors relaunch their book with excellence. That’s why we take the time to recommend only the services you’ll need to be successful.

We don’t want you to waste money or time publishing an unsuccessful book. If your book needs work and won’t be ready by Christmas, we’ll be truthful and ​offer you professional coaching, editing, marketing, and distribution services to help you launch with excellence! You’ll be confident in the quality of your book when you relaunch with us.

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Meet the Publisher

I've been around Christian publishing since 1987 when I helped our ministry self-publish an important resource for Vietnam veterans and their families. That book went on to be picked up by a royalty publisher and has since sold over 250,000 copies with a million in print.

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