Redemption Press Blog

Together We Build Up The Kingdom of God

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Everyone has a story inside. But the burning question for storytellers is “how can we best tell our story so it will be heard?” Redemption Press offers a full menu of options for those who dream to see their ideas for publishing a book become a reality. Athena Dean Holtz is the founder and president of Redemption Press and a pioneer in the publishing industry. I met Athena in 1998 at Mt. Hermon Christian Writer’s Conference. A newbie to the world of publishing, I was Sheryloverwhelmed by the many options and even prohibitive barriers to my first book being in print. Athena, then working with a different company, offered sound, yet non-pressured advice. It was evident she wasn’t there to sell me anything, but wanted to help me craft my messages and the best part – cheer me on for what God planned for my future.

For several years after the conference, I received an annual phone call from Athena, asking me how I was doing and if I had accomplished my publishing goals. After my second book was published, I was honored when Athena invited me for an interview on her “Always Faithful” radio show. It was at that time when both of us saw God’s hand in blessing us with a second chance at a new marriage. Athena’s desire is to serve God through helping others is evident in who she is as a business owner, author, and publisher. When Athena asked if I would like to be part of the Women of Joy – Rescued – Tour 2018, I knew God brought an opportunity to partner with someone I could trust.

Redemption Press offers an expert editorial team – by far the best part of my writing and editorial experience was working with their editorial team. In my coach’s gentle, yet encouraging way, she coached my writing, gave me guidelines for my stories, outlines for the Bible lessons and deadlines for completion. Writers know each of these things is essential to finishing a project and crafting a product we can be proud of.

If you are considering a partnership with Redemption Press to make your publishing dreams a reality, I can assure you, the investment of your time, talent, and treasure, with Athena Dean Holtz at the helm, you can be confident in a productive partnership you won’t regret. And the best part – together we build up the kingdom of God.

Sheryl Giesbrecht Turner, television and radio personality, international speaker, author of four books, including “It’ll Be Okay: Finding God When Doubt Hides the Truth” (Redemption Press, 2018).

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Meet the Publisher

I've been around Christian publishing since 1987 when I helped our ministry self-publish an important resource for Vietnam veterans and their families. That book went on to be picked up by a royalty publisher and has since sold over 250,000 copies with a million in print.

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