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Redemption Press New Releases

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new releases author oct 1

Beyond Second Chances – Heartbreak to Joy

A woman who knows grief and loss after the death of her second husband, is jilted just before an ill-advised remarriage, yet retains her trust in a loving God. Shirley Quiring Mozena leans on her relationship with her faithful God while experiencing the pangs of loneliness and regret. Weaving in her family’s backstory, she tells of a shy pastor’s daughter who through dramatic life experiences learned a deep trust in God’s faithfulness in all circumstances. When a new man in her life appears, can Shirley trust his love? One woman’s story of love triumphing over loss will strengthen and inspire.

new releases author oct 2

Beyond Tomorrow

Disruption to peaceful family relationships brings conflict, change, and growth. The journey of the Anderson family proves God’s faithfulness yesterday, today and tomorrow-and even beyond. Was it chance that forced James to slow down and look at his life? Family. Work. Estranged sons and daughters. Was this vicious attack a blessing in disguise? Was it time to retire and was there still time to pursue his lifelong dream? For an entire generation reaching retirement age new challenges surface and new opportunities beckon.

Vernal Lind presents up-to-date and real life situations in his believable characters and story. Through this inviting and refreshing book, he asks the right questions: Where is purpose in the declining years? How does one begin a search to find new purpose and meaning? Not all the answers are easy to come by. Following the ever changing Anderson family gives us all the freedom to ask our own questions and seek answers about getting older. How do we hang on to our core beliefs in a changing and declining culture?

new releases author oct 3

Imperfectly Brave

What does imperfectly brave look like for you? God knows, and He wants you to dig in-maybe even get a little dirty-and discover your newly defined life. This journey may take time, but by running to the cross you will detangle the Word from the world, find your life ripe with purpose, and experience renewed passion for serving others.

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Meet the Publisher

I've been around Christian publishing since 1987 when I helped our ministry self-publish an important resource for Vietnam veterans and their families. That book went on to be picked up by a royalty publisher and has since sold over 250,000 copies with a million in print.

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