Will the Real Person Please Stand Up?
$4.99 – $14.99
Does fear of rejection hold you back from letting people see the real you? Are you tired of hiding?Gail Porter lived with this kind of fear during her childhood and most of her adult life. When God revealed her bondage to the power of fear, she was set free to come out of hiding and become who He’d created her to be. What she learned grew into a passion to help others experience the same freedom.
Does fear of rejection hold you back from letting people see the real you? Are you tired of hiding?
Gail Porter lived with this kind of fear during her childhood and most of her adult life. When God revealed her bondage to the power of fear, she was set free to come out of hiding and become who He’d created her to be. What she learned grew into a passion to help others experience the same freedom.
Will the Real Person Please Stand Up? offers much-needed hope to those who long to be set free from the fear of rejection and become their authentic selves. In this life-changing book you will read Gail’s own experiences, stories of real people, and input from those in the medical field. Gail walks you through the process of identifying and acknowledging what holds you captive so you can live in freedom rather than in fear.
With God’s help, you can walk out of your self-made prison, break strongholds, and taste the freedom that will allow you to become who God made you to be. Get ready to stand up and say, “This is the real me.”
Read a FREE sample chapter here!
11 reviews for Will the Real Person Please Stand Up?
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I've been around Christian publishing since 1987 when I helped our ministry self-publish an important resource for Vietnam veterans and their families. That book went on to be picked up by a royalty publisher and has since sold over 250,000 copies with a million in print.
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Kathy Christiansen –
Gail Porter’s latest book Will the Real Person Please Stand Up is an open letter from her heart to people struggling to live a transparent life but who are held back by various fears, misperceptions and a misunderstanding of the victory God intends for all people who believe in the death of Jesus Christ for our sins, His burial and His resurrections three days later, according to the Scriptures (1 Cor 15:1-4). Life is an experience flawed by circumstances and people who often have no idea the effect they are having on another person. We embrace those flaws as “truth” and often suffer without any ability to correct them.
Using real life accounts of friends and colleagues along with Scripture passages, Gail guides readers through the process of honest evaluation, examination of the potential of an unmasked life, risk taking to break barriers and ultimately to the joy of bursting through to authenticity in Christ Jesus. Her own real vulnerability gives credence to this instructive book. Being thankful in all things (1 Thess 5:18) opens the door for us to be fearless in Christ Jesus to embrace the leading of God the Holy Spirit to be used by God the Father as a co-worker (1 Cor 3:9) in His great plan for us. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from one who has been restrained by fear but is now free to stand up in joy. (I would like to point out that the last line on page 153 should read “…the abundant life Jesus Christ died to give us.”)
Kathy Christiansen
Fearless in Christ
Betty –
This book is a clear and practical guide to those who are interested in pursuing freedom rather than fear. Isn’t that all of us? When the author realized she had spent many years compensating for past hurts, she was willing to embrace God’s perspective of who she is and the life He wanted to give her. This realization was life-changing, propelling her to research and gather life stories which would become part of this book which is personal, inspirational and helpful. This is not just theory. It is real life.
Kristin –
Follow Gail as she navigates her past, finding her truest self in the process. Gail lives in the present as the authentic child of God she is created to be. In addition to enjoying Gail’s writing, you’ll be inspired to dig deeper into your own story, utilizing the thoughtful questions at the end of each chapter. Redemption is real…be ready for transformation.
Heather –
This book caught my interest immediately. After each chapter I read, I sat back and reflected on how it was relatable in different life situations from my past. I highly recommend reading and sharing this book with others because sometimes you just need to take a step back, slow down, and review whats best for you.
Lisa Worthey Smith –
What a blessing to go through this resource for those of us who wear a mask of perfectionism. Gail shares her own revelation of truth about the mask and shares how we too can be real, the real person God designed us to be. I recognized myself in many areas of this book, and will go back to talk with God more about what I need to release to Him.
Well suited for group or individual study.
Susan Giarrusso –
Who hasn’t experienced the fear of rejection? While reading this book I was reminded how many times I have been there and how it impacts me still today in waysI didn’t realize. With the benefit of Gail’s wisdom and many prayers I am learning again to take off the mask and be the real person that God created me to be. Each chapter is a precious story of how she was set free from bondage. The reflection questions make the book perfect for a small group study.
Caryn –
Excellent book. Particularly helpful while raising a teenage daughter.
Kristie Mattsson –
This book has been such a blessing to my life! Gail’s honest and transparent journey comes to life through the pages of this book and makes her so relatable. I think everyone can identify with the pain of rejection on some level and find healing as they impart the truths Gail carefully lays out! I would highly recommend this to anyone who wants to experience freedom from rejection and from the trap of perfectionism! Great for personal use or with a group!
Anne Marie Winz –
Gail writes authentically about her own story and adds the stories of people she has met along the way on her journey through life. She includes scientific studies. Point by point she outlines the fears that cause us to build walls around us. Then she carefully explains how to break the strongholds that bind us through the years. And she ends with showing us how we can taste freedom. Gail gently invites us to come out of the shadows and into the light of becoming the people we were meant to be.
Patricia Hunt –
I was very sick for three months, and I made the hard decision to resign as coordinator of my ladies’ club and reducing my other volunteer responsibilities. I know that reading your book, especially the chapter on Welcoming Imperfection, during this time in my life has helped me let go of my need to perfect my life’s activities and to rest and bask in God’s Love and Assurance that I am enough. I am worthy of God’s Love and that’s all I need in this world! I refer often to the verses in the front of your book: Isaiah 43:18 & 19. He is doing a new thing in my life. It is my responsibility to be aware and to expect and be excited about this “new thing” whatever it may be!
Tiffany –
This book is a must read. It illustrates God’s transformative work in moving people from the darkness of fear to the light of freedom. The author effectively models this through the transparent telling of her own story and those of others. The book is divided into three parts and moves through a natural progression of sharing the problem, explaining the solution, and instilling hope for the future. This would be an excellent read for a book club or church group. Each chapter includes insightful and carefully crafted questions designed for personal reflection and meaningful group sharing.