We Need To Talk


Our sex-saturated Western culture communicates myriad ideas to young people that strongly contrast with a Christian worldview. We cannot leave our children and teens alone to navigate the ideas, images, and narratives that flood their devices and minds. It is crucial that parents and others who work with young people engage in meaningful conversations about sexuality . . . starting today!

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Forget About The Talk!

Sexuality is a conversation that needs to start right now.

Our sex-saturated Western culture communicates myriad ideas to young people that strongly contrast with a Christian worldview. We cannot leave our children and teens alone to navigate the ideas, images, and narratives that flood their devices and minds. It is crucial that parents and others who work with young people engage in meaningful conversations about sexuality . . . starting today!

We Need to Talk helps parents establish an environment in which sexuality is openly discussed as part of normal, healthy Christian life. Written as a narrative, it is grounded in social science research and includes worksheets for readers to construct their own plans for creating this kind of environment. Learn:

  • Strategies for parents to clarify their values on sexuality, then communicate them effectively to their children.
  • What works well (or not) when parents try to discuss sexuality with their children.
  • How relationships, honesty, an intentional program, and a redemptive message build an environment for ongoing, healthy conversations about sexuality.

“This is important and difficult work, but it is holy work. If you are a parent, you were called specifically to this.”

Read a FREE Sample Chapter Here!

Additional information

Weight 0.381 lbs
Dimensions 5.25 × 0.33530 × 8 in
Book Format



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