Vietnam and Christianity


The Lord works providentially in all things, even the most negative experiences imaginable—including war. Don Boudreaux went to fight in Vietnam at eighteen-years-old, where he experienced combat before being severely wounded. Becoming a Christian after the war, Don committed his life to fighting the good fight of faith and becoming a spiritual warrior for Christ. He shares his journey in Vietnam and Christianity: A Vietnam Veteran’s Transformation from Army Soldier to Warrior of God, where he brilliantly correlates his experiences in Vietnam to specific Scriptures. Whether discussing artillery and helicopters or food rations and insects, he intertwines God’s Word, leaving you encouraged to live as a believer, battle in attacks from Satan, and embrace your spiritual gifts.


The Lord works providentially in all things, even the most negative experiences imaginable—including war. Don Boudreaux joined the military at seventeen-years-old and went to fight in Vietnam at eighteen, where he experienced combat for almost a year before being severely wounded. Becoming a Christian seven years later, Don began questioning God about the purpose in sending him to war. God answered: I sent you to war so you could become a spiritual warrior.

Don has committed his life to fighting the good fight of faith and becoming a spiritual warrior, and he shares his journey in Vietnam and Christianity. He brilliantly correlates his experiences in Vietnam to specific Scriptures, encouraging you to live as a believer in Christ and to battle in attacks from Satan. Whether discussing artillery and helicopters or food rations and insects, he intertwines God’s Word, leaving you filled with hope and ready to take the offense in spiritual warfare. He also boldly introduces prophetic ministry and other spiritual gifts to embolden you to step out in faith and become warriors for Christ.

Additional information

Weight 0.377 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 0.25870 × 9 in
Book Format


3 reviews for Vietnam and Christianity

  1. Jimmie Willson

    It’s one of those books that you have to make yourself stop reading because you want to know what’s next. It is interesting and easy to read

  2. Joshua Boudreaux

    After reading this inspiring book, I was deeply moved by the author’s sincerity in telling his story, his deep gratitude to Jesus and many others, his triumph in Christ over great hardship, his understanding of the great importance of spiritual warfare from his intense experiences in the Vietnam War, and his deep desire to see others embrace Jesus as their treasure. His open honesty of his sinful ways before knowing Christ—or BC, as he calls it—is striking as well as his emotional struggles during his time in Vietnam and his hardships in adjusting to his life in Jesus.

    I was also encouraged and strengthened by the author’s explanation of prophetic ministry as I think it more closely aligns with scripture compared to many popular teachings on this topic today. Further, it is clear to me that when this author shares prophetic insight with others, it is not the typical prophetic messages given today that encourage believers to embrace American prosperity and dependence on earthly allurement’s for their contentment. Conversely, . this author’s ministry seems to be full of encouraging truth that causes hearers to embrace and depend increasingly on Jesus Christ.

    I was also blessed and intrigued by the details of the actual experiences that this man faced in the Vietnam conflict and the humor he expressed in recounting some of them. One such slightly humorous story is how tree ants in the jungle showed him their animosity while he worked by suddenly attacking him mercilessly. These stories were told by a man who endured difficult hardships but emerged a more Godly person because of the saving power of Christ and the love that the author has for people and his country. As the author states:

    Father God wanted me to go through war to learn, experience, and tell about it. This is the fight: to be wounded both physically and emotionally and tell about it.

    It is clear in the book that his wounds were both physical and emotional but he tells us that he is overcoming his struggles, walking in forgiving those who hurt him in the past, and depending increasingly on Christ to help him.

    The author also shares with us many spiritual experiences that he has had and how those encounters have shaped the man he is today. He also gives us insight into the work of angels and he correlates their ministry to aerial warfare and helicopter gunships in Vietnam. We also see how angels assisted God’s people in scripture and how they were involved in the author’s personal life.

    But the most important theme of this book is how the author correlates his experiences in Vietnam to life as a Christian. Throughout the book, He excellently shares an experience and then uses scripture to correlate that encounter to the reality of spiritual warfare for believers in Jesus. We learn insightful details of how the armor of God, prayer and intersession, prophetic ministry, and other spiritual gifts are powerful weapons to overcome the work of Satan and his forces. We also see how the author has applied these truths to his life and has seen victory both personally and in the lives of those to whom he has ministered.

    My life has truly been enriched by this book, and I praise God for inspiring this war veteran to boldly and honestly share his life story with us in a way that causes people searching for answers to look to Jesus and that causes believers to be challenged yet encouraged in their walk with God. I encourage all readers to enjoy the book to the end as the author finishes with a powerful, prophetic flourish.

  3. (verified owner)

    I was also blessed and intrigued by the details of the actual experiences that this man faced in the Vietnam conflict and the humor he expressed in recounting some of them. One such slightly humorous story is how tree ants in the jungle showed him their animosity while he worked by suddenly attacking him mercilessly. These stories were told by a man who endured difficult hardships but emerged a more Godly person because of the saving power of Christ and the love that the author has for human kind and his country. As the author states:
    Father God wanted me to go through war to learn, experience, and tell about it. This is the fight: to be wounded both physically and emotionally and tell about it.

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Meet the Publisher

I've been around Christian publishing since 1987 when I helped our ministry self-publish an important resource for Vietnam veterans and their families. That book went on to be picked up by a royalty publisher and has since sold over 250,000 copies with a million in print.

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