Quilting Lessons


God longs to use the broken pieces of our lives by fashioning them into a living mosaic for His glory.

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God longs to use the broken pieces of our lives by fashioning them into a living mosaic for His glory.

Broken Dishes, Lone Star, Tumbling Blocks. What’s in a quilt’s name? Quilting Lessons offers thirty meditations connected to the popular and enduring tradition of quilting. Embedded in the classic quilt names are timeless applications of spiritual truth. Each reflection contains a narrative related to a quilt block, a Bible verse, a spiritual principle, and a prayer inspired by the well-loved pattern.

Quilting Lessons uses personal stories that point to God’s work in everyday life. It celebrates the quilter’s pastime and affirms faith and values. The book features beautiful full-color photographs of traditional quilt blocks personally crafted for each meditation.

Quilting Lessons speaks to the heart about hope and healing and of God’s deep desire to nurture and love us.

Downloads: quilting_lessons_sample_chapter.pdf

Additional information

Weight 1.092 lbs
Dimensions 0.38 × 8 × 8 in
Book Format

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