Because He First Fed Us: Ordinary Meals – Extraordinary Messages


Before God created mankind, He created a garden. God was preparing a meal for us before we arrived. He gave us our senses to fully appreciate and enjoy this world. He gave us our family and friends and opportunities to share with each other and with strangers. And He gave us His Word.

Food is a love language. It nourishes, heals, comforts, and delights the body and the soul. There is a way to make delicious food even better: share it. When food is transformed into a meal, it becomes love in action. All the senses are engaged: sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell. Memories are revived. Stories are told. Gratitude is expressed. Conversations flow and wisdom is gleaned. Even the dirty dishes have a story to tell.

This book contains thirty lighthearted devotions highlighting ordinary meals found in the Bible and that reveal extraordinary messages. Each one is paired with a personal anecdote to show that God speaks to us in bite-sized pieces of wisdom, easily digestible truths, sometimes hard-to-chew incriminations, and heaping helpings of grace. These messages are served with the greatest hospitality ever known and a side of humor.

Let’s eat!


Before God created mankind, He created a garden. God was preparing a meal for us before we arrived. He gave us our senses to fully appreciate and enjoy this world. He gave us our family and friends and opportunities to share with each other and with strangers. And He gave us His Word.

Food is a love language. It nourishes, heals, comforts, and delights the body and the soul. There is a way to make delicious food even better: share it. When food is transformed into a meal, it becomes love in action. All the senses are engaged: sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell. Memories are revived. Stories are told. Gratitude is expressed. Conversations flow and wisdom is gleaned. Even the dirty dishes have a story to tell.

This book contains thirty lighthearted devotions highlighting ordinary meals found in the Bible and that reveal extraordinary messages. Each one is paired with a personal anecdote to show that God speaks to us in bite-sized pieces of wisdom, easily digestible truths, sometimes hard-to-chew incriminations, and heaping helpings of grace. These messages are served with the greatest hospitality ever known and a side of humor.

Let’s eat!

Additional information

Weight 1.75 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 9 in
Book Format


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