Overcoming Gravity of the Heart


What has science got to do with Christianity? And what do scientists have to say about how the world was created and how it will ultimately end? In the Bible, Christians find answers to worldly views about creation events, yet science offers a substitute explanation. Authors William M. Diamond and Robert W. Fredricks provide insight into how the Bible explains creation, with a scientific bent. Offering a rational view of creation, they show readers how to answer questions about quantum physics, evolution, and the big bang theory. Anyone who wants to understand the truth will find in this book that the Bible contains the answers when science falls short 


By faith, we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command so that what is seen

was not made out of what was visible (Hebrews 11:1 niv). 

What has science got to do with Christianity? And what do scientists have to say about how the world was created and how it will ultimately end? In the pages of the Holy Bible, Christians have the answers to current worldly views about creation events, yet science offers a substitute explanation. Could the real truth be found with an understanding of both? Authors William M. Diamond and Robert W. Fredricks provide insight into how the Bible explains creation, with a scientific bent. 

This exploration includes: 

  • science as the foundation 
  • God as the foundation 
  • The future from Scripture 
  • Jesus—the Way, the Truth, and the Life; His path 

Here, believers are offered a rational view of creation events and answers to questions about quantum physics, evolution, and the big bang theory. Anyone who wants to understand the truth will find in this book that the Bible contains the answers when science falls short.  

Additional information

Weight 1.157 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 9 in
Book Format



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