More to This Life: Living the Life You Were Created For


Jesus came that we may have life and have it to the full (John 10:10). But what happens when we search for fulfillment in the wrong places? Or worse—when we wait and wait for God to accomplish a promise to us, and our disappointment threatens our faith? In More to This Life,  Ron Armstrong uses the story of Israel’s trek to the Promised Land to show us how to find abundant, eternal life as we take the journey to possess our own promised land.


What is your deepest desire?

No matter who you are, something inside yearns for more in life. Many search for that “more” through position, status, money, or relationships. But God’s “more” is much better than anything you find in the world. He wants you to have the full and abundant life found in Jesus Christ. As God led the Israelites on to their Promised Land, he leads you to your personal promises through a relationship with him.

This journey is not just about getting somewhere or taking hold of something. It’s also about an adventure with someone—Jesus himself. It’s about Jesus fulfilling his plans for you, in you, and through you. In More to This Life,  Armstrong unfolds the biblical story of the Israelites’ trek from slavery to the Promised Land and shows you how to reach your own promised land by living according to God’s principles.

More to This Life will help you answer these tough questions:

  • How can I discover God’s purpose for my life?
  • How can I know God is leading my decisions?
  • What if God’s calling on my life looks impossible?
  • What can I do to prepare for a breakthrough?
  • If God is with me, why do I have setbacks?
  • Can God still use me after I’ve failed him?

Armstrong will challenge and encourage you to embark on a journey with Jesus so you can experience more in your life.

Additional information

Weight 0.490 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 0.33530 × 9 in
Book Format



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