Mercy Said No!


Could you use an infusion of hope, strength, and courage? Have you or a loved one suffered from illness or another hardship that left you wondering if you could muster up the courage to go on? If your…

SKU: 209124 Category: Author:


Could you use an infusion of hope, strength, and courage? Have you or a loved one suffered from illness or another hardship that left you wondering if you could muster up the courage to go on? If your answer to either of these questions is “yes,” then Mercy Said No! is for you. This book of poetry includes encouragement and hope as well as practical ways to overcome adversity and get back in the race we call life. Statistics show that your attitude toward adversity has a significant impact on your success in overcoming it. This book will help you turn from hand-wringing to hand clapping as you gain victory over your obstacles.

Click on the PDF download for a sneak peek of the first chapter!

Downloads: Mercy Said No Sample Chapter.pdf

Additional information

Weight 0.595 lbs
Dimensions 0.61 × 5 × 8 in
Book Format



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