Heavenly Treasures


Heavenly Treasures Discovering the Sovereign Grace of God Hidden in the Richness of His Word Do you ever wonder about questions like these?: Do we find God or does He find us? Why is the prostitute…

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Heavenly Treasures Discovering the Sovereign Grace of God Hidden in the Richness of His Word Do you ever wonder about questions like these?: Do we find God or does He find us? Why is the prostitute Rahab counted among the heroes of faith in Hebrews chapter 11? Why does God sometimes wait to answer our prayers? Why do we try and try and try to be holy and do right-and still blow it? Is God disappointed in us? What help is available to get us free from sin? If you do wonder about questions like these, you will find insightful responses to them in this book that weaves biblical truth with practical, life-changing applications. Whether you’re a beginner with Christianity (or just checking it out) or you’re a Greek scholar, this book has something new for you to learn. It takes lofty concepts and makes them understandable and provides Bible background and depth for those who wish to go deeper. In it you’ll find wisdom from Christians like John Calvin, Julia of Norwich, John Owen, and Charles Spurgeon-wisdom as relevant today as when they first wrote about it. Read one chapter of Heavenly Treasures a day in your devotions (if you can stop there and put it down!) and you’ll complete the book in just over three months as God speaks to you from His Word.

Read a FREE sample chapter here!

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Weight 0.88 lbs
Dimensions 0.85 × 5.5 × 8.5 in
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