Good News Going Bad: A Critical Evaluation of a Modern Missions Meltdown


Good News Going Bad: A Critical Evaluation of a Modern Missions Meltdown


The good news of Jesus in the gospel message sets people free! It is meant to be offered to all people in every place on the planet. Yet many haven’t heard. The largest group of people yet unreached by the gospel are Muslims, or followers of Islam. They are typically very resistant to it. How can they be effectively reached?  

Some missionaries from the West have sought to make the gospel message more “acceptable” to their Muslim audience. Does this trouble you? Should you be concerned? This book will help you discern the errors and address them, to stop the good news from going bad. 


The good news of Jesus in the gospel message sets people free! It is meant to be offered to all people in every place on the planet. Yet many haven’t heard. The largest group of people yet unreached by the gospel are Muslims, or followers of Islam. They are typically very resistant to it. How can they be effectively reached?  

Some missionaries from the West have sought to make the gospel message more “acceptable” to their Muslim audience by doing the following:  

  • Mistranslating the Bible by taking out words that are offensive to Muslims 
  • Telling former Muslims who believe in Jesus to stay in Islam 
  • Promoting a churchless Christianity 
  • Downplaying and sometimes denying the truth that Jesus is God 

 Does this trouble you? Should you be concerned? This book will help you discern the errors and address them, to stop the good news from going bad. 

Additional information

Weight 0.526 lbs
Dimensions 5 × 0.48900 × 8 in
Book Format



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