A Woman’s Journey to Becoming Mother 2 Many


At fifty-three, Joann Wittler felt too old to start a ministry—especially since she didn’t know a thing about nonprofits. So why would God call her to do something as crazy as reach out to the homeless youth in her community? Equipped with a heart full of love and backed by a mighty God, she battled her own self-doubt and fear on one of the most challenging journeys she has ever traveled. If you’ve ever thought you were too old to be used by God, Joann’s tale of love and sacrifice is sure to remind you that on God’s timetable, it is never too late. 


“I was fifty-three when I was called into ministry. I thought I was too old, but God said it was just in time.” 

—Joann Wittler 

 Have you ever felt that way—you are too old to start something new, to take that risk, to love one more time? 

 A Woman’s Journey to Becoming Mother 2 Many is Joann Wittler’s story of obedience even when she thought God was asking her to do something absolutely crazy. When she asked the Lord to show her how to start a homeless ministry, God kickstarted a chain of events she never saw coming. She was turned down by the town council multiple times, traveled to Chile to rediscover the meaning of love, and was screamed at by a Tacoma homeless man after she handed him a knitted scarf. Yet on every page, Joann displays godly perseverance, faith, and love.  

 If you feel called to do something for God but you keep putting it off because you feel unqualified, this book is written for you. God is your teacher and He will qualify you—because on God’s timetable, it is never too late.  

Additional information

Weight 0.490 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 0.33530 × 9 in
Book Format



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