Redemption Press Blog

Lasting Impression: Package Yourself With Class – Part Three

OK, so far we’ve covered the first 3 of 7 components: Part One — Bio, Headshots & Business Cards. Part Two — Elevator Speech In this post we’ll cover your one sheet. Now, depending on the area of expertise you want to focus on, your one sheet could highlight your speaking ministry, your book and some…

Lasting Impression: Package Yourself With Class – Part Two

Before I move onto the all-important one-sheet, I realized I left an important component out of my powerpoint presentation on how to package yourself with class (and this series of posts is based on that presentation). If you missed it, catch up on the first section of these important personal branding techniques that every successful…

Lasting Impression: Package Yourself With Class – Part One

Every day we make impressions on others. Might be good. Might be bad. But the fact of the matter is, we leave one kind or another on every person we connect with, whether it’s online, in print, or in person. On the word “impression” is defined this way: Noun – 1. a strong effect…

Marketing Your Book: Video Trailer

There are many elements to successfully marketing your book. Marketing becomes even more important when you’re self-published. We recommend (and can help implement) a strong digital campaign because it is cost efficient and effective. A video trailer can hook your audience right away! A Video to Promote Your Book — Like a Good Cover You’ve…

Meet the Publisher

I've been around Christian publishing since 1987 when I helped our ministry self-publish an important resource for Vietnam veterans and their families. That book went on to be picked up by a royalty publisher and has since sold over 250,000 copies with a million in print.

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Unplanned Movie Healing Devotional


Filled with moments for reflection and personal stories from those who have experienced their own journeys of trauma and redemption, this interactive devotional invites readers to begin healing from the pain of post-abortion trauma to freedom and wholeness.

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