Redemption Press Blog

​Equipping Authors to Expand their Brand through Radio

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This last weekend I spent 3 days in Grand Rapids, MI at Carol Kent’s Speak Up Conference. When Carol asked me to fill a slot and teach on radio for both the writer’s and speaker’s track of conferees, I was excited to share how being a guest OR a host on the radio is a great way to expand your platform. From my own experience over the last four years, I developed a workshop and presented ON THE AIR: Using Radio to Build Your Brand.

Little did I know when I created the Power Point presentation that I would be announcing that I am stepping down from my weekly radio show. Shortly before the end of June, God began to make clear to me that my time on the air every week was ending and I had no idea what that meant other than I needed to be obedient.

I announced the end of my radio ministry on AM 630 KCIS over the first two weeks of July and went on my trip to Grand Rapids to teach my class.

It didn’t hit me until I was giving the class at Speak Up…

Conferee: Are you still on the air?

Me: Well, yes, but this is my last month.

Conferee: So, what will happen to Always Faithful Radio?

Me: WOW. That’s a good question. I have no idea!

I didn’t really have an answer.

All I knew was that I was done with my weekly broadcast.

That evening, one of my workshop attendees performed a concert and shared the story of losing her 33-year-old police-officer husband in a marathon and the devastation she experienced as she grieved her loss, and the amazing God who was and is ALWAYS FAITHFUL. Always Faithful was a recurring theme in her concert and suddenly, the dots started connecting.

A year before at the AWSA Conference 2016 (Advanced Writer’s and Speakers) God began to plant a vision in my heart of having one-day women’s conferences across the country under the Always Faithful Radio banner.

And here I was at a Speak Up Conference with a room full of speakers and writers from all across the nation. It seemed every time I turned around, I was hearing a miraculous story of His faithfulness after excruciating abuse, loss or trauma.

As hubby and I discussed what God might be doing here, the vision became clearer and clearer that I would begin to equip women across the country to become media missionaries, affirming the faithfulness of God over the radio waves of their region, and from that, the conferences would bloom as a natural result.

So what I thought was the end of a fruitful radio broadcast ministry has just expanded into a completely different format, one that uses the gift I operate in everyday at Redemption Press of equipping others to share their story, written and spoken. How exciting for me to have this new opportunity to empower others in using radio ministry, which fits right in with what I do in publishing. What a great way for authors or speakers to share the faithfulness of God and expand their platforms, gaining new opportunities to infuse hope into those who are feeling hopeless!

If you feel a call to use radio ministry to build and/or expand your platform and brand, I’d love to hear from you and see how we can work together to build up the Kingdom of God!

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Meet the Publisher

I've been around Christian publishing since 1987 when I helped our ministry self-publish an important resource for Vietnam veterans and their families. That book went on to be picked up by a royalty publisher and has since sold over 250,000 copies with a million in print.

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