Find the answers you are seeking with Doreen Virtue!

All Things Podcast 20 1

On today’s episode, Doreen Virtue. From new age practices to whole-hearted salvation, in today’s episode we discuss how it seemed Doreen had everything she ever wanted but was still seeking the truth. Doreen Virtue left the new age to surrender her life to Jesus, saved from deception in 2017 she is dedicated to teaching women…

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Living with Spark featuring Misty Phillip!

All Things Podcast 26 1

On today’s episode, Misty Phillip: Author podcaster speaker and entrepreneur, Misty is passionate about encouraging people to spark their soul messages. She left her full time corporate job to dedicate herself fully to serving the Lord with her voice. Although life hasn’t always been easy, God has always seen her through! Misty Phillip is a…

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How to see God’s grace with Karen Pennington!

All Things Podcast 18 4

On today’s episode, Karen Pennington: Have you ever been gutted? Can God show you grace daily? She lost everything within a single week, during this time God refined her and the foundation she was living with. Tune in to today’s episode to hear how Karen Pennington saw and continues to see God’s grace! Key Ideas:…

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