Redemption Press Blog

9: Living in Faith: Embracing Community, Forgiveness, and Jesus as Our Cornerstone

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In this enriching episode of “At This Table,” hosts Carol and Athena invite listeners to explore the transformative depths of 1st Peter, guiding us from chapter 1, verse 21 through the beginning of chapter 2. The episode, titled “Taste and See,” uncovers the essence of God’s goodness and the profound transformation that comes from walking in obedience and community.

Key Topics Discussed:

    1. Exploration of 1st Peter 1:21-25: A deep dive into how these verses illustrate a shift from individual faith to collective, corporate worship within the church, emphasizing a shared narrative of redemption and a call to holiness.
    2. Personal Testimonies and The Power of Community: Athena shares her personal struggle with church hurt and the healing process, highlighting the importance of truth-tellers and genuine friendship in spiritual growth. Carol emphasizes accountability and true friendship as key components of walking together in a life of holiness.
    3. Analysis of 1st Peter Chapter 2:1-10: The hosts discuss the significance of shedding all forms of malice for growth in Christ, the intertwined relationship between emotional and spiritual maturity, and the role of forgiveness. They also reflect on Jesus as the foundational and unifying force in our faith, using imagery of Him as the cornerstone and capstone.

Key Takeaways:

    1. Community and Accountability: The episode underscores the importance of surrounding ourselves with individuals who dare to speak truth into our lives, encouraging us toward a path of holiness and redemption.
    2. Forgiveness and Growth: It reminds us that spiritual maturity cannot be separated from emotional health, and that forgiveness is a crucial step in growing closer to God.
    3. Jesus, Our Cornerstone: An inspiring reflection on Jesus’ role as the bedrock of our faith, holding believers together and guiding them towards living out His truth in unity.


At This Table: Taste and See” offers a profound look into the heart of 1st Peter, encouraging listeners to dwell in the truth of God’s word, foster genuine community, and walk in forgiveness and holiness. Carol and Athena’s discussion invites us all to taste and see that indeed, God is good, leaving listeners with much to reflect on in their own walks of faith.

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Tune in to next week’s episode where we’ll continue our journey through First Peter. Don’t forget to subscribe to our podcast on your favorite platform to stay updated on our latest episodes.

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