Redemption Press Blog

The Publishing Jungle Video Series – Part One

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So you’re a writer or an author and you have a manuscript that you believe is ready to publish or you need a better publishing option, what’s next? Perhaps you’re unsettled with your current or previous self-publisher or maybe you’re just getting into the publishing game. It’s time to choose your best publishing options, but how? We invite you to learn.

In “The Publishing Jungle,” a two-part video series, you’ll discover the current models publishers are using to help Christian writers publish their works, critiquing each from an author-centric position, and exposing some that border on consumer fraud. Then in part two we’ll share the Redemption Press difference and why we believe we’re the most professional, effective, and personable Christian self-publishing option out there today. Simply put, we publish differently.

The publishing world really is a jungle. How in the world do you even know what questions to ask? What should you watch out for? What are the realistic expectations you should have as an author? We’ll answer all those questions and more — some of our answers just might surprise you.

Our goal is to provide crucial background information for any new or experienced Christian author — from understanding terms and definitions, how much it will cost to self-publish your Christian book, the history of Christian publishing to your best option moving forward based on an honest exploration of the different types of publishing out there. Let us help you do your due diligence and make the best publishing decision for your work.

Watch Part Two now where we go more in-depth about what specifically Redemption Press does differently, and how that juxtaposes with some of your other options.

Part One of The Publishing Jungle video series covers:

●History of Christian publishing and current industry trends

●Types of Publishing

●Terms Defined (these terms are also defined and explained here)

●Due Diligence — what questions to ask when choosing a publisher

●Comparison price chart between the most well known Christian self publishers

At Redemption Press your message is our mission. We believe in honesty and integrity in publishing and refuse to see you and your work as a commodity — our goal is to empower you, the Christian author. For these reasons Redemption Press has quickly become the nation’s premier independent Christian publisher and we’re humbled by the power of the messages we help broadcast into the world.

Read more about us and don’t miss Part Two.

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Meet the Publisher

I've been around Christian publishing since 1987 when I helped our ministry self-publish an important resource for Vietnam veterans and their families. That book went on to be picked up by a royalty publisher and has since sold over 250,000 copies with a million in print.

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