Resurrection is Happening at Redemption Press!
resurrection (ˌrɛzəˈrɛkʃən)
- a supposed act or instance of a dead person coming back to life
- belief in the possibility of this as part of a religious or mystical system
- the condition of those who have risen from the dead: we shall all live in the resurrection
- the revival of something: a resurrection of an old story
I’ve been pondering the word resurrection and the way it has woven through my life in so many areas.
Today is Good Friday…a dark day that left the disciples feeling worn out, defeated, doubting.
I think of all the times I felt this way…beat down by the enemy of my soul. Hardly able to believe that justice would come, that restoration would ensue.
The whips, the nails, the crown of thorns…what my Jesus endured goes way beyond what I experienced…but there were times where I felt an emotional crucifixion devastating my soul.
Weeping and wailing before the Lord when the pain seemed unbearable, my dark night of the soul seemed to stick to me like Velcro. I could not escape it. Times of extreme darkness were common during my years of captivity, but the waiting time since walking away has been littered with tears and anguish, all the way up until 2014.
If any word could describe this New Year in my life, it would have to be RESURRECTION.
While walking away from my twelve years of deception on November 10, 2011 temporarily felt like I was rising from the dead, there was so much pain to process since that day, it felt as though a full 26 months was near non-stop crucifixion.
Now, I look back on the last 100 days and can barely wrap my head around the restoration that has occurred. Not only do I feel as though I have risen from the dead, but am standing in the center of the revival of something awesome…the real reason why God put me into publishing so many years ago.
When God birthed WinePress back in 1991, the heartbeat of the company was to make self-publishing a viable and affordable option. I always said, if you’re going to self-publish, the last thing you want to do is “look self-published!” Excellence was the cornerstone of the company and that legacy lived on for many years before the dark days of WinePress destroyed its reputation.
To be given the opportunity to reclaim that spirit of excellence and have it be the foundation of Redemption Press is almost like a dream come true. To be able to give great and personable customer service and to build a new model that puts the author back in charge is personally one of the most satisfying things I’ve ever done. To be able, at the same time, to offer the professional final product that authors, editors and industry peers came to expect of WinePress when I owned the company, at a greatly reduced price…well, it just doesn’t get any better than that.
RESURRECTION – the condition of those who have risen from the dead.
Not only do I personally feel that God has raised me up from the dead, restored my life in so many ways, but most amazingly, my career in publishing.
RESURRECTION – the revival of something.
Through Redemption Press, God is resurrecting the legacy of excellence in independent publishing for Christian authors.
We hope you’ll join us on our quest to make a difference in this industry!
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Meet the Publisher
I've been around Christian publishing since 1987 when I helped our ministry self-publish an important resource for Vietnam veterans and their families. That book went on to be picked up by a royalty publisher and has since sold over 250,000 copies with a million in print.
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