Reignite Your Leadership Heart: Inspiring Women to Unleash Their Full Potential

Reignite Your Leadership Heart: Inspiring Women to Unleash Their Full Potential


A woman who has it all detours into a wilderness journey where a secret threatens to cost her everything. Ann Griffiths is a successful leader and a woman of faith. But when she experiences deep loss and God’s calling takes a backseat to her business ambitions, she finds herself in a dark place she can navigate only with God’s amazing grace. In this book, Ann is transparent about her journey and encourages others who might be lost in their own wilderness and in need of that same hope and grace. If you’re a woman who wants to Reignite Your Leadership Heart, this book will inspire you to unleash your full potential. 


How can a woman who has it all—a happy family, an effective ministry, a thriving business, and the respect of her community—detour into a wilderness journey and a secret that threatens to cost her everything? Ann Griffiths is a successful leader and a woman of faith. But when she experiences deep loss and God’s calling takes a backseat to her business ambitions, she finds herself in a dark place that she can navigate only with God’s amazing grace.  

A passionate mentor to women who are called to positions of leadership, Ann Griffiths encourages others who may be lost in their own wilderness and in need of that same hope and grace. Through biblical examples and her own story of struggle and restoration, Ann invites you to ignite—or reignite—your full potential and leave a timeless fingerprint that inspires others. Here, you will find hope in your own situation, discover what it is to be an effective leader, and learn practical skills to help you grow. 

If you are a woman who wants to Reignite Your Leadership Heart, this book will inspire you to unleash your full potential. 

Additional information

Weight .622 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 9 in
Book Format

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