Let My People Go

Let My People Go


“Do you know true freedom, freedom from the many forms of bondage that the world entertains and calls us to embrace also? Bondage that our neighbors and co-workers may be involved in? Bondage that…

SKU: 209060 Category: Author:


“Do you know true freedom freedom from the many forms of bondage that the world entertains and calls us to embrace also? Bondage that our neighbors and co-workers may be involved in? Bondage that so accommodates our particular weaknesses? …that is so easy to take on? Imposed by someone else or self-imposed, bondage has a strange allure to tempt even the righteous. Perhaps this is why Paul admonished the Galatians, “”It is for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery.”Do you truly live and walk in freedom? Or are you weary of the struggle and the deception that goes with living in bondage? …hiding it from family and friends? …rationalizing it to yourself? Then shed your shackles and embrace the true freedom that can be found in God’s Word. In Let My People Go, Jannie Wilcoxson leads you through a life-changing study of Scripture to a clear understanding of how to live victoriously and bondage free through the Word of God.”


Additional information

Weight 0.485 lbs
Dimensions 0.61 × 5 × 8 in
Book Format


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