
Chaplain James R. Ellsworth

A Michigan native, Chaplain James (Jim) R. Ellsworth has served in many ministry capacities—a forest firefighter in Pennsylvania, an AWANA missionary in West Africa, and a volunteer for disaster relief across the nation. Jim has been the state chaplain for the Michigan Southern Baptist Disaster Relief of Michigan since 2018. He lives with his wife, Connie Michelle, in Michigan. 50 Devotionals for Disaster Relief Chaplains during Deployment is Jim’s first devotional and was written to meet the growing need for chaplains to foster spiritual resilience in their teams while out on disaster relief.

A Michigan native, Chaplain James (Jim) R. Ellsworth has served in many ministry capacities—a forest firefighter in Pennsylvania, an AWANA missionary in West Africa, and a volunteer for disaster relief across the nation. Jim has been the state chaplain for the Michigan Southern Baptist Disaster Relief of Michigan since 2018. He lives with his wife, Connie Michelle, in Michigan. 50 Devotionals for Disaster Relief Chaplains during Deployment is Jim’s first devotional and was written to meet the growing need for chaplains to foster spiritual resilience in their teams while out on disaster relief.