Redemption Press Blog

Book Promotion Tips: Creative Ways to Reach Your Reader

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book promotion tips reach your reader

You have worked diligently to write and collect your thoughts around a wow-God experience or a biblical subject that God has put in your heart.

It’s not just a series of pages filled with empty words, but a special, intentional message that God wants people to hear.

One foundational part to writing a book is defining your target audience because, after your book is written, that specific group of people will relate to and benefit from your message. This insight is crucial for reaching your reader and promoting your book.

Learn more about the foundational elements of writing a book

Now, the question is how do you get everyone else to see how amazing and valuable the words within your book are? What will make people stop, purchase, and pass your book on?

There are a few questions that every new author should answer in order to effectively promote themselves:

1. Who is reading this?

2. What are they typing into Google?

3. What will my reader learn?

2. Why should they read it?

3. Where can I find these people?

Most people hear about products by word of mouth, so prayfully begin looking for opportunities to speak. Speaking engagements at local churches and Christian events provide great exposure. Consider doing a book reading at a local restaurant or coffee shop. This is not only easy, but really fun.

Depending on your audience, determine whether TV or radio is a good medium. Submit a press release to news channels or offer your book as a resource for a local radio station.

Most likely, your audience is online, so go there. Blogging frequently on related topics to your book is a great way to answer popular questions that Christians have. This will enable you to tell of more related testimonies.

In addition, social media is a great channel to reach your audience. You might want to consider using paid advertising to boost your posts so more of the right audience sees it.

Lastly, video marketing like YouTube or Vimeo are great ways to attract younger audiences and people on social media.

If you are uncomfortable with speaking in public and networking, one excellent resource to consider, is joining your local Toastmasters International. Learn more at

The important questions to address are “Who is your reader?”and “Where can you find them?” Once you have this insight, reaching them may take a small marketing budget and/or stepping outside of your comfort zone to speak in person or on video.

Either way, have fun in the process!

If you want to be successful in publishing and promoting your book, consider partnering with a professional Christian publishing company.

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I've been around Christian publishing since 1987 when I helped our ministry self-publish an important resource for Vietnam veterans and their families. That book went on to be picked up by a royalty publisher and has since sold over 250,000 copies with a million in print.

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