Yikes! How Do I Protect My Work in the World of Self-Publishing?

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The Legal World of Self-Publishing Navigating the legal maze of self-publishing is difficult for any author, but Redemption Press has the experience and tools you need to safely publish (and protect) your work. Copyrights and ISBN Numbers After spending 25 years in Christian publishing, I’ve seen every kind of snafu, misstep, and botch job when…

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The Ripple Effect in Publishing


I was talking to a long-time author friend a few days ago and she said something that really humbled me. We were just catching up on life face-to-face on Skype, and she looked at me and said “my great grandson finished his Eagle Scout project today, because of YOU.” I felt as though I looked over…

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What Happens When You Send Us Your Manuscript?

Be safe online

I must admit, the fact that we ask you to send your manuscript in (before we tell you how much it will cost to publish with us) could be a scary thing. After all, there are some people out there who might steal your idea and leave you in the dust. Even in the Christian…

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I Don’t Have the Money to Publish My Book!


I was talking to an author the other day and she mentioned how finances were tight and she didn’t know if she could get her book into print any time soon. I was reminded of so many examples of how I’ve seen God provide for authors in the most creative ways. From one author who…

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What? Do I Really Need a Website?

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For some authors, having a website is no big deal, not intimidating, and a simple feat to conquer. For others it’s daunting and almost impossible to confront. For years I’ve shared with authors the importance of making your book available in every possible sales channel, since you just never know where your audience likes to…

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