Redemption Press Blog

The Ripple Effect in Publishing

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I was talking to a long-time author friend a few days ago and she said something that really humbled me. We were just catching up on life face-to-face on Skype, and she looked at me and said “my great grandson finished his Eagle Scout project today, because of YOU.” I felt as though I looked over my left and right shoulder thinking she must be talking to someone behind me, and said… “What? ME?”

She went on to remind me about our first conversation about writing the story of her relative, Lord Baden-Powell, founder of the scouting movement. “If you hadn’t persuaded me to take the step to write that story, Nathan Miles Huggins wouldn’t be the next Eagle Scout in our family!”

Scout Advocate, Eleanor Clark and I began to work together on her book back in 2008, The Legacy of Lord Baden-Powell. It turns out that she decided to ask her great grandson, who was 11 years old at the time, to read the first draft of the manuscript. After he finished reading the manuscript and without telling his great grandmother, he went out and joined the Boy Scouts, with the sole intention of making it all the way to Eagle Scout. Her book inspired him to a lofty goal, and he persevered to achieve it over the last 6 years.

How proud she must be of him! And what an encouragement it was for me to hear that story…to realize we will really never know all the lives that have been touched by the books we’ve been honored to help make a reality. I must say it gives me the strength and courage to continue down this path… endeavoring to make a difference in the Christian publishing industry by serving authors with passion and integrity.

Thanks, Eleanor Clark…you made my day!

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Meet the Publisher

I've been around Christian publishing since 1987 when I helped our ministry self-publish an important resource for Vietnam veterans and their families. That book went on to be picked up by a royalty publisher and has since sold over 250,000 copies with a million in print.

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