Redemption Press Blog

Lasting Impressions: Package Yourself With Class – Part Seven

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So, we’ve covered a lot over these last six posts. And all of the discussion so far has revolved around tangible components you will want to implement in order to create a professional image online, in print, and in person. There are, however, seven intangible components I’d like to share with you in wrapping up.

Hmmmm. Part seven of the series wrapping up with seven intangible components. I like that!


If you don’t have genuine passion for your message, all the professional graphics, branding, and packaging in the world won’t make up for that lack. The topic your write and/or speak on needs to be birthed from the passion God plants in your heart.


Love for your audience must be in place, or your audience will pick up on it. If the Lord has given you a message and worked a passion in your heart for it, the resulting love for the people you are ministering to with that message is pretty much an automatic thing. Actually, I’m not sure which of those would come first…the passion for the message or the love for those who need to hear that message. Ahhhhhhh. Chicken or the egg, huh?


There must be a level of transparency in your words in order to truly connect with your audience. Being open about your life and your struggles are the very things that will resonate with those whom you connect with.


Keep your bio honest. Exaggerating who you are and what you are doing is not wise.


Maintain an attitude of humility as you craft your one-sheet. Let’s face it, no one likes a braggart and scripture is clear that
…all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted. Luke 14:11


Create a spirit of excellence in all you do, from your bio to your headshot to your one sheet, online presence and social media platforms. You are representing Christ no matter what your message or story, and He deserves our best!


And finally, ask the Lord to create or increase in you a desire to authentically connect in your approach. Being able to relate to your readers/listeners by being real is by far your best strategy in making a lasting impression.

I will close this series with a famous quote and a not so famous one.

I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

~Maya Angelou
You may be the only glimpse of Jesus they see…so leave them wanting more.

~Athena Dean Holtz
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I've been around Christian publishing since 1987 when I helped our ministry self-publish an important resource for Vietnam veterans and their families. That book went on to be picked up by a royalty publisher and has since sold over 250,000 copies with a million in print.

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