Redemption Press Blog

“The Power of Promotion” – Tomorrow 6/6/15 10AM PST / 1PM EST

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The Power of Promotion

June 6, 2015

Hosted by Athena Dean Holtz

Guest Information

Rochelle Melander Torry Martin

Episode Description

Join me for a lively discussion from the Write to Publish Conference on the campus of Wheaton Bible College in the Chicago area. One of the best gatherings around where professional writers, editors, agents, and industry professionals equip and empower aspiring authors, veterans authors, and everything in between. I’ll be serving on the faculty of the conference, so while there I’ll pull aside those who’ve used the most effective promotional strategies to sell more books and share them with you. We’ll also discuss the power of promotion with writing coach Rochelle Melander and you’ll discover the best ways for an author to master social media. The publishing landscape continues to change and evolve, with thousands of unpublished authors entering the market every day. All the more reason to find the most effective ways to promote your book and stand out from the crowd!

Click here for more info to access this episode.

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Meet the Publisher

I've been around Christian publishing since 1987 when I helped our ministry self-publish an important resource for Vietnam veterans and their families. That book went on to be picked up by a royalty publisher and has since sold over 250,000 copies with a million in print.

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