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Redemption Press New Releases

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Weekly new releases from Redemption Press. Here are a few select titles coming hot off our presses this week.

Green Gospel: The New World Religion

By Sheila Zilinsky

Green Gospel

Protecting the environment and the earth is a noble effort, right?

This carefully researched book chronicles the history of the environmental movement, its creators, and their goals. The author takes us back decades to the origins of environmentalism, providing facts about its development over the years and its plans for the future.

Whether you’re passionate about saving the environment or you are a bit skeptical and want more information, this informative book is for you.

View in our store.

Let’s Stay Together

By Karry & Cheryl Wesley

Let's Stay Together

Whether your marriage is strong or struggling, the practical advice and biblical counsel in this book will help you overcome obstacles and build a firm foundation as a couple. It includes step-by-step ways to address, heal and forgive issues and strengthen your relationship so it will successfully stand the test of time. View in our store.

The First Pictorial Self-Help Book for Men Who Don’t Read

By Tom Prinz

the first pictorial self-help book for men who don't read

Here’s a book for men who don’t read self-help books-but who do like to look at pictures. Author Tom Prinz has written a pictorial book to help men address important issues, make better choices, enhance relationships, and improve their personal lives. He says, “A man will never be successful at improving his marriage relationship, or parenting skills, until he adequately deals with existing personal issues.” The First Pictorial Self-Help Book for Men contains light-hearted caricatures by Chris Martinez and Tom Prinz’s practical suggestions and usable principles on personal issues, the marriage relationship, and positive parenting. The idea is to scan the illustrations; when one interests you, look to the right and read the additional information on the subject. Each page will give men the ammunition to first contemplate making changes and a challenge to begin the process. View in our store.

Growth of Faith Through Miracles

By Sherian Emigh

growth of faith through miracles

Do you ever wonder if God still does miracles today? This book answers the question beyond the shadow of a doubt. He does! A walking, talking miracle-that’s what author Sherian Emigh’s husband Leigh calls his wife, and he’s right. Sherian’s story demonstrates God’s miraculous activity in a powerful way. After three bouts with cancer, of the breast, bone, and brain, and Leigh being told by the doctors in 1986 that his wife had only six to eight months to live, God healed Sherian. Today she presents this book about her experience of his grace more than twenty years ago. But, as if miracles were not enough, in this exciting book Sherian invites the reader to experience her journey of faith and obedience. Learn how God spoke to her in a still, small voice about the tiniest details of her life and led her in a personal, loving, specific way day in and day out. View in our store.

Consagrados a Dios y El Uno al Otro

By Deane Schuessler

Consagrados a Dios y El Uno al Otro

COMENZAR BIEN . . . Y TERMINAR FORTALECIDOS. Entre estos dos parámetros del matrimonio está lo que llamamos nuestros años intermedios. Durante estos años miramos con entusiasmo hacia atrás a nuestros primeros años de recién casados, y esperamos que nuestros años de madurez nos den energía para seguir perseverando en amor fiel. Estos devocionales nos ayudarán a seguir amando y a vivir bien, ya sea que estemos recién casados, en la mitad de nuestra vida matrimonial, pensionados, o preparándonos para el matrimonio. View in our store.


By Nicole Petrino-Salter

Destination e-book

An unlikely felon returns to friendship with a fiery old widow, real love, ministry to youth, and the unusual burden for his new love’s ex-fiancé. View in our store.

Last Men Standing

By Tonny Harris

Last Men Standing

Men of God, our families, our churches, and our nation desperately need you to step up to the challenges we face today and lead as God has designed you to do. Last Men Standing provides the scriptural basis for strong and loving leadership and asks men to hear God’s call and follow Him—boldly and with compassion and care. Packed with Scripture, wisdom, and practical advice, this book shows you how to walk closely with God so that everything else in your life, including your leadership responsibilities, will fall into place. View in our store.

Stay tuned for weekly updates on the newest releases from Redemption Press!

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Meet the Publisher

I've been around Christian publishing since 1987 when I helped our ministry self-publish an important resource for Vietnam veterans and their families. That book went on to be picked up by a royalty publisher and has since sold over 250,000 copies with a million in print.

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Unplanned Movie Healing Devotional


Filled with moments for reflection and personal stories from those who have experienced their own journeys of trauma and redemption, this interactive devotional invites readers to begin healing from the pain of post-abortion trauma to freedom and wholeness.

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