Redemption Press Blog

This Divine Appointment Should Encourage You to Watch God Work!

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God never fails to amaze me with the ways He demonstrates His care for every area of our lives. I encountered a divine appointment at the Atlanta Christian Writers Conference last month with Cynthia L. Simmons and Michael Anderson. I met Ginger Mosher (on my left in the picture) after I gave my keynote the first night there and immediately we connected. She is an amazing prophetic artist and has been producing fine art for many years. She shared her vision for putting a number of her frame-able prophetic art pieces together with the story behind each picture, in an over-sized hard cover full color coffee table book … totally out of the box as far as the finished product goes, but WAY exciting to be part of.

We’d been going back and forth getting quotes from my best Asian printer who’s skilled in reproducing fine art. Obviously, this will require a significant investment considering the requirements for the finished product. I am definitely not one to push an author for a commitment. I want God to orchestrate it from beginning to end so we all know it’s His will.

Ginger and I had a long talk a few days ago and she shared the most incredible story with me, I just had to share it! She and her husband, Ira, had already been to church Saturday night, and watched two services on TV Sunday morning, when she felt like she needed to visit a church they used to attend regularly. It really didn’t make much sense to either of them, but they followed the Lord’s prompting. Some opposition came into play, but they just kept feeling like they were supposed to go, and so they did. They were going to sit in the section they normally sit in, but felt a leading to sit in a completely new area. After the worship time they prayed with a woman who sat in front of them. They connected in an unusual way and felt drawn to spend time talking after the service. This woman invited Ginger and Ira to lunch so they could continue the conversation.

Of course the topic of Ginger’s book came up as she mentioned she was working towards determining God’s will in the potential of working with a publisher from the Seattle area. After all, she really didn’t know me well and how could she know if this Asian printer is really legit?

The woman cocked her head and asked,

“Could that be Athena Dean?”

Ginger’s chin nearly hit the floor as she heard those words spill out of this woman’s mouth. It turned out that Janice Clark Hayes had worked with me on her FULL COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY BOOK, Journey of a Conqueror back in 2008, and we had the very same Asian printer produce her img 1

I must admit I am still reeling (in a good way!) from hearing how our faithful God orchestrated this divine appointment to confirm, without a shadow of a doubt, that we are supposed to work together on this project to advance His Kingdom through the creative arts.


What a faithful God He is!

I hope this story encourages you to believe God cares about every area and detail of your life, and if you are looking to Him for wisdom, discernment, and direction, He will surely give it!

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Meet the Publisher

I've been around Christian publishing since 1987 when I helped our ministry self-publish an important resource for Vietnam veterans and their families. That book went on to be picked up by a royalty publisher and has since sold over 250,000 copies with a million in print.

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