Redemption Press Blog

Closed Doors are His Stops

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The stops of a good man, as well as his steps, are ordered by the Lord,” says George Mueller. Naturally an opened door seems more like guidance to us than a closed one. Yet God may guide by the latter as definitely as by the former.”  Streams in the Desert – Morning & Evening

Reading this entry in my devotional this morning connected the dots in a new way.

I just returned from the Christian Product Expo in Nashville where we spotlighted nine books (  to bookstore owners, managers, and buyers from around the world. I had an opportunity to present to these buyers over the Sunday lunch time – a 15-minute presentation to four different groups of buyers in four adjoining banquet rooms. My heart was to communicate the resources we were offering with the issues each one addressed. I had no idea until later in the convention the reaction from those I presented to. One owner from Georgia sought me out to say,

“THANK YOU! I resonated with every single title you mentioned, and I want to order copies of every book for our store!”

Watching our Redemption Press authors encounter divine appointments, times of ministry, and opportunities to speak life into those they met filled my heart with gratitude and more than once moved me to tears.

Then I think back to the fact that I almost missed this open door.

In March of this year I was finalizing an opportunity for a group of Redemption Press authors to be featured through Redemption Press sponsoring the Propel Women – Activate Tour with Christine Caine. It was the culmination of months of work and I was excited about the opportunity to put these authors in front of women in leadership across the country. Women who were looking for resources to help them help others.

The first stop in the tour was the same dates as CPE, and while I felt a bit uneasy, I told myself all the reasons why the benefits of the Christine Caine tour outweighed the CPE event. The day before I was to sign the contract a bizarre turn of events slammed the door shut. At first I was angry and disappointed, after all the hard work put into hammering out the details. But as I grieved the loss, and God whispered to my heart that HE was still on the throne, I embraced the STOP and opened my heart to where He was guiding me.

The door was wide open for CPE and now that I’m on the other side of it, I can see the wisdom in His stop, and am grateful for the way He ordered my steps.

Where has the Lord stopped you in the past, that seemingly was cruel, but in the end proved His faithfulness?

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I've been around Christian publishing since 1987 when I helped our ministry self-publish an important resource for Vietnam veterans and their families. That book went on to be picked up by a royalty publisher and has since sold over 250,000 copies with a million in print.

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