Unwanted No More: From Exploited to Embraced by God

Unwanted No More: From Exploited to Embraced by God

(24 customer reviews)


After finding herself unprotected, unloved, and unwanted by a sexually abusive father and an absent mother, author B. J. Garrett’s search for self-worth leads to sexual promiscuity and unplanned pregnancies. It’s not until losing everything to the blaze of a house fire that BJ’s life takes a turn toward a God whose love is pure. Written with soul-searching vulnerability, Unwanted No More reminds you that no matter how ugly your past, you can experience unconditional love in a relationship with Jesus.

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I can still feel the emptiness in my heart. So many memories of ugly…

As a preteen shattered by a sexually abusive father and an absent mother, B. J. Garrett is left unprotected, unloved, and unwanted by the people who should have loved her most. Instead, BJ finds herself wanted by the wrong people for the worst reasons.

Her search for self-worth leads to sexual promiscuity and unplanned pregnancies, which only further warps her view of love, leaving a trail of broken relationships. It’s not until losing everything to the blaze of a house fire that the course of BJ’s life takes a turn toward a God whose love is pure. With the shadow of shame lifted by her newfound faith, BJ makes a startling discovery—she’s been wanted all along, and her new love-filled life comes with a call to ministry.

Written with soul-searching vulnerability, this story shows that regardless of what you’ve done or what’s been done to you, there is hope and redemption in a relationship with Jesus. Unwanted No More reminds you that no matter how ugly your past, you can experience unconditional, beautiful love and a life of purpose.

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Weight 0.534 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 9 in
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24 reviews for Unwanted No More: From Exploited to Embraced by God

  1. Sharon Wilson

    You won’t want to put this book down! BJ pulls you into her story and you feel her pain, get wrapped up in her experiences, and cheer from the sidelines for her triumphs and transformation. What a powerful and well written redemption story!

  2. Jean Short

    Everyone has a story. Mostly we share only Facebook-worthy parts and hide the dark secrets and ghosts. Refreshingly honest, B.J. humbly and candidly addresses topics often avoided in Christian circles. With gritty honesty, she recalls an emotionally and financially impoverished childhood that etched scars deep in her heart leaving her vulnerable to adolescent relationships that repeated patterns of use and abuse, creating additional layers of desperate insecurity and doubts of self-worth. Although B.J. found a way as a single mom to support herself and her children, the eventual cost left scars on her heart, as well. While everyone’s story may be different, trustworthy lessons for people of faith about loving unbelievers, seasons of friendship, forgiveness, reconciling and restoring family relationships and grace that changes lives are woven throughout this one. Sensitive and beautifully crafted, this may be about B.J.’s life but it is truly God’s story of unwavering love and redemption.

  3. Terri Pollard

    Honestly, I am not a reader. Other than reading my Bible I do not enjoy reading! I couldn’t put this book down! I can’t imagine the time, tears, & energy that went into writing this, along with the emotional roller coaster of reliving such a traumatic childhood! Truly such an inspiring book about how much our Savior Protects us, Loves us & just how Good & Faithful He is!

  4. Beth Davis

    This book! I love reading stories of hope! It was so well written and easy to ready the testimony of this beautiful human. This is a tool that will be used over & over again to lift people and remind them we are not meant to stay where we’ve started & God has a purpose for everyone.

  5. Karen costiloe

    Unwanted no more is a compelling story of the redemptive power of Jesus Christ and the extraordinary resilience of a redeemed soul. The words on the page paint such a vivid picture that I could see and feel every scene as if I was watching it unfold. It is raw and real and one of the most honest autobiographical books I have ever read. So, get comfortable, grab a box of tissues and prepare to be amazed by the power of Jesus.
    Definite must read!

  6. Tricia

    As someone who isn’t religious I wasn’t sure what to expect when reading this book. Often times I feel like Christianity is watered down and altered to fit whatever purpose the author wants it to. I end up putting the book down indefinitely or giving them away because I simply cannot relate.
    That was not the case with this book! BJ Garrett writes with raw honesty and presents her transformation in a realistic and inspiring way. I couldn’t put this book down and could relate to her in many regards. Her bravery is encouraging and her spirit never quits. She opened my heart to possibilities and has drawn me into her story with such admiration for her perseverance. I am left wanting more and am touched by her candidness and matter of fact writing style.
    One thing is for sure, I will be reading this book again!

  7. Paula

    Never have I ever read a book in less than 24 hours…until B.J.s story. The pain, the brokenness, the hurt, the loneliness. Unfortunately I could relate to a little too much of it. But B.J.s ability to persevere, and allow God to shine in through the broken places is truly beautiful and miraculous. God is faithful to heal us if we allow Him in, and B.J. was brave enough to give Him full access to every part of her life! A beautiful story of God’s healing grace.

  8. Jacci Van Surksum

    With bravery and raw honesty, B.J. Garrett takes us through her journey from brokenness in sin to wholeness in Christ. Her childhood innocence taken away by those who should’ve protected her, B.J. begins down a road that leads to damaging relationships, teenage motherhood, abortion, and eventually a job in the adult entertainment industry. Truly a story of triumph and redemption, Unwanted No More speaks to the overarching need shared by us all to be loved and valued and points us to a Savior that wants to give us that and more. Read it with a box of tissues nearby, but most importantly, READ IT!

  9. Dana Fleming

    Everyone has a personal story to tell, but most of us don’t have the courage to share the deepest, darkest parts of our story with the public, and especially with such brutal honesty. In Unwanted No More, BJ captures the reader’s interest from the very first sentence and maintains it to the very last word. You will find yourself rooting for BJ in her transformation from broken to redeemed. This is a beautiful story of continuing sanctification that demonstrates, indeed, that with God, nothing is impossible!

  10. CINDY ARONSON (verified owner)

    I received ‘Unwanted No More’ a day before Christmas and, even with an unfinished to-do list that was begging for my time, I found it hard to put this book down. It is a well-written, compelling story of hope, redemption and God’s commitment to give us beauty for ashes. I was sad to read about BJ’s childhood and happy to read about the beautiful way God’s grace and forgiveness cleansed her past and allowed her to lavish the same kind of grace and forgiveness on her parents. That is the power of this book. Regretfully, far too many children have horrific childhoods filled with abuse. Any many go on to write about their experiences. The difference maker in this book is ‘the rest of the story’ and speaks to the power of God’s incredible grace. To know she grew up and chose to forgive, just as she had been forgiven, and to live out His greatest commandment to love one another — even those who do us harm. Thank you B. J. Garrett for bravely sharing your story and most importantly, for your courage in forgiving and reconciling with your parents, despite the deep wounds of hurt they both caused. You’re an inspiration and example for me and so many others. ‘God is able’ and your story is proof.

  11. Ladonna Rieger

    Oh my! What an inspiration to see what God can do. A book to inspire from front to back cover! Thank you BJ for putting your story to words. Truly a story of redemption. Wow!

  12. Carolyn Ferran (verified owner)

    I have never read a book in its entirety in my life but the day I started reading this book I simply could not put it down until it was finished! What an amazing story!! Very detailed and well written! I felt her pain and I also felt her rejoices and love for our Savior!! I personally know this author and she is a remarkable outstanding gift to society!

  13. Samantha (verified owner)

    You WILL NOT be able to put this book down! The author hides no secrets and holds nothing back! She shares every detail, good, bad and ugly. I love her willingness to be honest and open. This book is a great story that shows the unconditional love and grace of our God. I highly recommend reading this book and you will experience her joy and pain because of the details she shares. God forgives and ALWAYS wants you!

  14. Deanne Howell

    This is such a beautiful story of redemption and love. BJ is an amazing storyteller and I was sucked into her story from the first pages. It is a must-read book that showcases the lasting heartache and trauma of abortion on women.

  15. Heather Brantley

    If you are looking for a boom that you can’t put down and want more of when you are finished…UNWANTED NO MORE is the book for you. The author did an outstanding job of connecting the reader to her story. The emotions are real and the story of God’s love is powerful. It’s a book that you will definitely share with friends.

  16. Abigail Brown

    This heart wrenching and at the same time, inspiring story is told in such a way that I could barely put it down to go to sleep, and getting back to it was the first thing on my mind when I woke up. It is a constant source of amazement to me to read of or hear about children who survive terrible abuse and rise above it in time, with grace and forgiveness. I appreciate the Epilogue where the author updates us on all the important characters in her book because despite what happened to her, BJ does not paint anybody with a broad brush. The people are real, and she cares about people. If you care about people you will love this book.

  17. Dana D Tramba

    Unwanted No More by BJ Garrett
    I started reading this book, and got nothing else done the rest of the day. Her story spoke to my heart and reminded me of brokenness in my life that I need to heal from. It is living proof that God is with us throughout our lives, even when we don’t even know He is there. I loved how she weaved her spiritual journey throughout her story. Her story shows how God can take the bad things that happened to us throughout life and turn it into something beautiful. A must read!
    Dana Tramba

  18. Brenda Wilbee


    This is a poignant telling of a difficult childhood and the abandonment BJ Garrett experienced while growing up, a shorn lamb in the wind. Despite the occasional respites of love from a few members of her extended family, Garrett lived her early years unsafe, with a mother in and out of jail, a father molesting her, thereby generating the predictable psychological wounding that drove her to extremes as a teenager and young adult in her quest to find identity and belonging – a normal response for someone so exploited. Her story, however, does not dwell on the storms she endured but takes you through the events that took her to an evangelical church where she found healing and purpose and, most importantly, love and a feeling of being wanted. By others and by God. And she discovers, by looking back, God’s hand in tempering the wind that so marked her life.

    Unwanted No More is told without bitterness as BJ Garrett successfully weaves trauma with love and brings a message of hope.

  19. Jackie Mitchell

    I have procrastinated for months in writing this review. I was given a copy of “Unwanted No More” by BJ Garrett & have read it numerous times.

    Her book is a sad, but wonderful true story of a young women’s road to salvation. BJ lived a harsh life & did all she thoughts was possible at the time to be a loving mother & wife. But when she truly accepted Jesus into her whole heart & mind, the most wonderful metamorphosis overcame her & her life.

    Unwanted No More shows how as human beings we still have to live through stressful times but with prayer & knowing we can wear the armour of God anyone can live under His Grace.

    This book is a must read for everyone. Your heart will melt over her tribulations & soar for her as she excepts His Grace.

  20. Nina

    Highly recommend! This was one of the best memoirs I’ve read in a long time. So well written, but raw and vulnerable to the point of tears. I read it quickly, but I won’t soon forget it. My two biggest takeaways:
    1. This was a great reminder for Christians to meet people right where they are. Because it was from the author’s perspective and having read all that she’d been through, this aspect was really highlighted for me. What a great reminder to always be ready to care for others like Jesus would. I’m so thankful her friends did that for her and were vessels to lead her to a redemptive Savior.
2. You never know what God will do with a life. The chapters toward the end had me in tears. He completely transformed this woman’s life and is using her mightily for the kingdom. He does not waste a heartache.

    I love stories of redemption. This will be on my Top 10 list for the year.

  21. R. Wise

    After being given a copy of the book Unwanted No More, I was so excited and couldn’t wait to start reading.
    I was only a few pages in when I realized that BJ’s story was very similar to my own.
    A knot begin to form in the pit of my stomach. I had never told anyone the deep dark secrets that I had buried deep within my heart. It was then that I realized that I had some serious unpacking to do if I wanted to move from brokenness to wholeness in Christ. Could I too have a story to tell?
    Must Read.

  22. Mindy Kirkpatrick

    I could not put it down! What a beautiful story of God’s unending love. He loves us even when we don’t love ourselves. He is the redeemer. I love the way BJ’s story demonstrates our Father’s grace and love for us.

  23. Laura Landrum

    This book encourages me to live my best life now! It is a beautiful reminder to not fall back into who I was but to look to Christ to see who He is now and forever will be!

  24. Michelle Ruddell

    This is a read-it-cover-to-cover-in-one-sitting book. From page one you will be captivated by BJ’s story. She is honest and open in describing events and emotions from her past that many would keep secret. Her vulnerability in detailing feelings surrounding abuse and abandonment draw readers in. Her matter-of-fact honesty about mistakes and destructive decisions will help readers relate. Her story of redemption and restoration will point readers to Jesus and the mercy and grace that He offers.

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